Chapter 97: Reverse Mountain

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"I-Is it just my imagination, or are you bigger than before?" Asked Freyja lightly while rubbing her neck as she slowly stood up and looked at Diddy, who was now only a few feet shorter than Grand.

"Hehe, so you noticed as well, Freyja. I've definitely grown since last time, but it's of no surprise; I'm still a growing boy. Don't forget, I'm only 15." Replied Diddy with a feral grin, displaying his deadly sharp teeth that were capable of tearing through iron like it was flesh.

"Ho, that's quite the transformation, Captain; I'm surprised such a species like yours exists." Said Sebas with a soft smile while observing Diddy, though there was a dense layer of psionic energy surrounding Sebas like a forcefield.

Snapping my head towards Sebas, although I couldn't see it, I could sense something was enveloping him, which was meant to protect him. Besides, even though I couldn't see it, It was easy to perceive the wind being forced out of the way long before reaching his body. Staring at Sebas, I calmly walked forward and stopped just outside his ethereal forcefield before placing my hand on the barrier that felt both soft and hard.

"You should know, Sebas, this wouldn't even be enough to stop me normally, let alone when I'm like this." Said Diddy with a grin as he clutched the invisible force field, digging his claws into it, causing the sound of glass breaking to be heard throughout the ship.

"Hoho, I know, Captain, but that wasn't meant to keep you away from me; it was merely meant to slow you down to where I could properly retaliate. Unlike Freyja, I'm quite an old man with a feeble body; a light slap from you would be enough to turn me into an unrecognizable corpse." Replied Sebas with a light chuckle as he calmly watched Diddy break through his forcefield, his sharp nails inching closer to him.

Just when my nails were about to reach him, my body was suddenly forced to a halt as I felt an ethereal force cover my body, trapping me in what seemed to be an invisible cage; however, before I could respond, I was whisked high into the night sky. By the time I had broken free from the ethereal cage, I was hundreds of meters into the sky, and my ship below me was like a tiny dot in the seemingly endless ocean; it also allowed me the chance to truly appreciate the sheer size of the redline, though I could care less about those things right now.

Grinning, I positioned my feet toward the sky and kicked the air, causing a small explosion as I propelled myself to my ship. While nearing my boat, I sensed a large ethereal wall appear right before me, though since it spontaneously appeared, I wasn't given enough time to react; I didn't need to; it didn't matter how many of them Sebas manifested. I'd simply smash right through them.

At least that was my thought, but to my surprise, instead of breaking through the forcefield like it was glass, I smashed into it, and it stretched with me similar to rubber, slowing me down for tens of meters until I eventually came to a halt, before it shot me back towards the sky like a slingshot.

'Hehe, seems like Sebas hasn't been slouching around; he's improved tremendously since when I first fought me.' Mused Diddy with a feral grin as he regained his bearings and looked back toward the ship, though he was actually eyeing the invisible wall.

"Though it's still far from enough." Muttered Diddy as he once again kicked the air, though compared to before, his figure turned into a blur as he speedily neared his ship, reaching the invisible wall in a near instant.

Despite the invisible wall seemingly having the properties of rubber, there was still a limit to how much it could stretch, so when I smashed into it this time, I stretched it to its limit before it snapped almost immediately. Sebas must've saw predicted that, as I crashed into several more invisible rubber-like walls, but just like what happened to the first one, I broke through them all, though they did succeed in slowing me down before I finally landed back on the ship.

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