Chapter 11: Prepare For Trouble!

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Evading the lemur's kicks, which produced sharp blades of wind, I quickly kicked the ground numerous times and appeared directly behind him while already in a slashing motion; by the time the lemur realized his predicament, it was too late for him to dodge, at least entirely.

Just as my nails dug into his back, slicing through his flesh as if it was butter, the lemur leaned forward, attempting to evade my attack, but all he managed to do was lessen the damage he would receive, which wasn't terrible as the full length of my nails is about an inch and a half.

Yet, I wasn't finished; while in the midst of slashing, I did something I hadn't tried before and used my finger technique on all five of my fingers, digging deeply into the back, causing the lemur to let out a screech of pain. Grabbing on what I think was his spine, or at least something solid, I slammed him to the ground, causing the entire area to tremble.

I wished to continue my onslaught, but since it was my first time ever using the finger technique on all of my fingers, they were pretty sore, and if my fingers were going to break, I didn't want to be the one to do it, especially not on purpose; however, I mainly just didn't want the battle to end so soon, we've only been fighting about five minutes.

'What is up with this lemur? He shouldn't be this weak.' Thought Diddy with a slight frown as he retracted his fingers and gained some distance from the lemur embedded into the ground.

While waiting for the lemur to get back up, I looked at the dim sky, realizing that even though I entered the center area in the evening, it took me quite some time before I managed to locate the lemur.

'At this rate, our battle will last through the night. I'd prefer not to still be here at night; I haven't explored the entire center area; there might still be other beasts here.' Thought Diddy as he looked in the sky and noticed the last rays of sunshine disappearing behind the horizon while the full moon began to take its place.

Focusing back on the lemur, who had just escaped from the hole he was embedded into, I took this time to observe the state of his body, and from what I could see, other than the bloody five holes on his back, he wasn't that injured. Excluding the injury, I had just inflicted on him, there were some scratches and bruise marks, and that's about it, which wasn't much, though the same could be said for me; I was also only slightly injured.

'Well, I was only injured at the start of the battle; once I learned his fighting style, I haven't been hit a single time yet. He may have mastered all six techniques, but being able to use them and being able to use them while seamlessly adopting them into your fighting style are two very different things, which is something he hasn't accomplished.' Pondered Diddy as he got into a fighting stance when he noticed the lemur's movements.

Looking at the lemur, who seemed to have just gotten a hold of his bearings, I smirked, and without any warning, I propelled myself toward him; when I was only a meter away from him, my expression suddenly hardened as out of nowhere my instincts warned me of great danger, with the origin being the lemur in front of me.

With how fast I was moving, attempting to stop myself would be foolish, as with how close I was to him, it would create an opening for the lemur to injure me. So instead of trying to avoid him, I instead increased my speed, intending to run right past him; yet while I did so, I looked at him, and when I did, I noticed his eyes had changed.

'They look more human-like.' Thought Diddy in confusion and surprise as their eyes met.

While running past him, I felt intense danger from above, and with how fast it was approaching, I wouldn't be able to evade it in time; moving my tail to the far left, which shifted me off balance, and allowed me to just narrowly miss the attack from above as I skipped across the ground like a rock.

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