Chapter 148: Foto Foto No Mi!

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Standing at the entrance of the doorway, I motionlessly stood there while eyeing Janet as if I were a statue, eyeing white devil fruit that had a bite taken out of it before shifting my focus to Janet, who seemed to just now notice my presence.

"Oh, Diddy, did you also come down here to eat? Whatever you do, don't eat this fruit; it looked unique, so I thought it might taste good, but it's absolutely the worst thing I've ever put in my mouth! Even if someone paid me 100,000,000 Beri's, I wouldn't eat it." Remarked Janet with a disgusted expression as she gave Diddy a nod while ranting about the devil fruit within her hands before walking to the wall and tossing it out a small window, letting it sink into the ocean.

Watching her toss the devil fruit into the ocean, I looked at her while cracking my neck as I angrily bared my teeth at her, the lightning sparking off my body increasing in intensity as well.

"Oh, just like that, Diddy! You look amazing, like a real beast!" Said Janet with a smile, oblivious to what she'd just done as he dropped to one knee and turned her hands into a square, imitating a camera with her fingers.

Just as I was about to open my mouth to speak, a soft glow suddenly shot out from within Janet's hand before enveloping me and the surroundings; the next thing I knew, everything around me was in black and white, and no longer was I staring at Janet, I was looking at the ceiling. Looking around, I spotted parts of the ship right beside me, and out of curiosity, I took a step forward, only to crash into an invisible barrier, one that not even my senses could detect. Hitting the barrier a few times, other than it being impenetrable, I noticed that no matter how hard I hit it, there was no sound; I had even tried opening my mouth to speak or make any kind of noise, but nothing.

'What the hell is happening to me?' Thought Diddy in confusion with a raised eyebrow as he gave up on forcing his way out.

Curious to see if this black-and-white world was indestructible or something, I punched at the wall of the ship to my right, and unsurprisingly, my fist went right through it without any resistance, as if I was punching a wooden wall. I was about to test something else, but before I could, the world around me darkened, prompting me to look up, yet all I saw was Janet; though weirdly enough, she looked absolutely massive, I was probably only the size of her nose at best, and it wasn't like she had a large nose, to begin with.

I don't know how, but she suddenly picked the world I was in up, causing everything within this black-and-white world to shake and topple like an earthquake was occurring.

"Diddy, what happened to you!?" Exclaimed Janet loudly in astonishment as she backed away from the missing area of the ship while holding a colorless picture of Diddy.

'Weird, I can hear her, yet I can't utter a sound within this world; this is confusing.' Mused Diddy with a slight frown as he looked at the massive Janet, pondering while she tried to leave, though there was nowhere for her to go since everything was within the photo.

I had no idea what to do; everything I tried failed, and I couldn't even communicate with Janet. After thinking for a few minutes, only to come up with nothing, I grunted in frustration as I turned and leaned my back against the indestructible wall, though what should've happened didn't happen. Instead of colliding with the wall, I fell right through it, passing through what felt like a thin layer of a slime-like substance; I emerged from that black-and-white world, only to fall on the ground, returning to the familiar world filled with color.

"Ah! Diddy, you're okay!" Yelled Janet delightedly as she jumped in joy, only for a golden brown furry hand to clutch her face mid-air.

"O-Ow, D-Diddy, this kind of hurts. Could you let me go, please?" Asked Janet softly, though Diddy completely ignored her as he snatched the photo from her hand and examined it.

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