Chapter 35: Mind & Will

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Walking down the set of stairs, we arrived just before the solid metal door, which would be impossible for the average man to pry open with brute force, but then again, I'm not average; however, there was no need for me to forcefully open the door, as the man leading me knocked on it a few times in a specific pattern, reminding me of morse code.

"Password." Said a deep voice as a small slit opened on the door, allowing one to see a pair of brown eyes intently eyeing us, mainly focusing on me.

"The mind reigns supreme over the body." Stated the man as the slit in the door closed, and a few seconds later, a loud creaking noise was heard; the metal door slowly opened, revealing a large man.

"Good to see you, Brother; however, as the doorman and the first line of defense against possible enemies, I can't just allow any non-verified individuals into Father's base." Replied the large man in a deep voice as he intently and warily eyed Diddy, who merely smirked in response.

"No, problem Brother, I'd expect nothing less from the doorman; however, you don't need to worry about him; he's someone personally requested by Father." Remarked the man as he removed his hat and trench coat and placed it on a coat rack, which happened to also be filled with numerous other coats and hats.

"Father, you say? Alright then, Brother, I'll allow him access, just don't keep Father waiting." Said the large man with an understanding nod while looking at the man before hardening his gaze as he eyed Diddy once more.

"And you, I don't know who you are to gather Father's interest, but you're stepping into the Elegant Mafia's base of headquarters filled with over a hundred Son and Daughters, so don't try anything funny; you'll be killed before you even know it! Understand?" Added the large man solemnly in a threatening manner as he eyed Diddy, who happened to be grinning.

"Brother, I wouldn't do that if I were-" Advised the man anxiously, though before he could finish speaking, both men were suddenly enveloped in Diddy's bloodlust, causing the two to tremble intensely in fear, but to Diddy's surprise, they managed to stay standing firm.

"Hehe, I would've killed you if either of you collapsed; however, you two have proven yourselves to be rather strong-willed, and you've garnered some of my respect." Declared Diddy with a chuckle as he eyed the two with a feral grin while blasting them with his killing intent before eventually retracting it, allowing them to heave in relief.

"B-Brother, I can't allow someone like that near Father! I've come across man killers in my line of work, but I've never felt like that, not even when standing before an enraged Father!" Yelled the large man in slight fear as he grabbed a pistol from his pocket and pointed it at Diddy, who was nonchalant and, without any warning, fired his gun, hitting him square in the head.

"I-I'll tell Father what happened, I'll take full responsibility and accept whatever punishment, but I can't allow someone that dangerous near Father." Added the large man as he sighed in relief, knowing Diddy was now dead, or was he?

While the two men were talking so calmly like I was actually dead, I grabbed the round bullet from my head, and before either of them noticed I was still alive, I flicked toward the large man with enough force that it penetrated through his shoulder and lodged itself deeply into the wall behind him.

"Don't push your luck, I'm behaving rather mellow right now since Sebas is someone I'm interested in, and until I determine whether I'll kill him or not, I won't be acting too out of line; that was merely a warning." Remarked Diddy with a slight smirk as he approached the large man who was grabbing his shoulder in pain while fearfully looking at Diddy.

"C'mon, I've wasted enough time here; take me to Sebas this instance, or I'll go there myself, and if I do that, I'll be making my own path." Added Diddy as he ignored the large man and walked right past him while tapping his finger on the wall, causing cracks to form.

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