Chapter 44: Hina, The Black Cage's Defeat!

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"Hoho, even after several decades, it seems like I've still got it. Now then, as I've been entrusted with protecting this ship by my Captain, I'll have to kill you all." Said Sebas with light laughter and a friendly expression while eyeing the several scared marines below, keeping the older man afloat.

"Tch, he may have had a bounty of 50,000,000 Beri's, but so what!? He's nothing but an injured old man; how can we be frightened!? I refuse to believe the seven of us can't defeat this crippled Old man; besides, did he not just declare himself a member of the Frenzy pirates!? Aren't we Marines? Our duty is to capture and kill lawless pirates that bring nothing but death and destruction everywhere they go! Now, who's with me!?" Exclaimed one of the marines passionately with anger while he eyed his scared colleagues, causing them to slowly regain their courage.

"Y-Yeah, you're right! What am I scared for? We can easily take down such a defenseless old man!" Said the marine holding Sebas's bounty with renewed vigor as he ripped it into pieces before throwing it overboard.

"Well then, what are we waiting for, men!?" Yelled a different marine as he unsheathed his sword and raised it into the air, igniting the morale of everyone present.

"Haa, youth, what a wonderful thing to have; unfortunately, though, what you don't learn until you've grown into an old man like me who has experienced many things is that being hotblooded isn't always a good thing; being calm and collected is just as good if not better in most situations." Said Sebas with a sigh while shaking his head before focusing back on the marines as his gaze took on a more dignified expression.

I may still be injured from yesterday's fight, but I could still easily deal with a couple of hot-blooded youths.

'Psionic Array'

Launching something akin to invisible ethereal arrows filled with the power of my mind, they entered the six young marines, and they weren't even given a chance to react before they lifelessly collapsed on the ground as they started frothing at the mouth. Despite what it may seem, those six were still very much alive, at least physically; however, mentally, they were dead, as not a single thought appeared in their minds. My attack had effortlessly entered their mind before exploding, destroying every tidbit of their consciousness in the process, turning them into nothing but a vegetable; although while I had destroyed their mind, their brain was still perfectly intact, meaning that their body would still continue to live, though I wasn't such a monster that I'd leave them in such a pathetic state.

Raising my hand, I willed their bodies off the ground and floated them over the boat before dropping them in the ocean. With the gear they were wearing, they quickly began sinking into the sea; drowning wasn't a good way to die, but I believed it to be more honorable than turning into a lifeless husk.

"Ouch, haa, don't push yourself, Sebas; you still haven't recovered yet; just take it easy." Muttered Sebas with a frown as he rubbed his head, which throbbed in pain.

While lightly massaging my head, I floated the frightened older marine overboard before dropping him back into his boat, which surprised him; however, he didn't waste any time and quickly began rowing away.

'I believe Freyja mentioned Captain always leaves someone alive so they may retell their feats; if I'm mistaken, I just won't bring the topic up.' Mused Sebas with a slight smile while watching the older marine row the boat into the distance as he approached the helm, returning to his original duty of steering the ship toward the dock.

Without interruption after the little marine incident, the rest of the way to the dock was relatively quiet; only the sound of waves and raging fire were discernible. Nearing the dock rather slowly, I attempted to be extra careful as this was my first time ever sailing a boat, and I didn't want to mess up on my first day among the Frenzy pirates; however, thankfully, the whole docking proceeded pretty smoothly, it may not have been the best, but I'm just content that I hadn't damaged the ship.

One Piece: Chaos KongOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora