Chapter 26: Promise Complete

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"For my first act as Captain of the Frenzy Pirates, I shall appoint you, Freyja, as Vice-Captain of the Frenzy Pirates!" Stated Diddy with a grin while pointing at Freyja, causing her to release a huff of annoyance.

"Just know when I kill you and take over the spot as Captain, I'll immediately disband this pirate group." Remarked Freyja while eyeing Diddy, who laughed in response.

"Hahaha, whatever you say, Freyja the beast tamer." Replied Diddy with laughter as he approached the helm while Freyja clutched her fists in anger, wanting nothing more than to rip the beating heart out of his chest.

Walking up the stairs, I arrive at the upper deck, where the helm is located; approaching the helm, I signaled Freyja to raise the anchor. While she was doing that, I was currently getting a feel for the wooden steering wheel, and I'll tell you what, it was much more comfortable than I had anticipated; it didn't even really feel like wood.

'Heh, I must give Freyja props; she found a great shipwright; I just hope this thing can last until we find a proper ship.' Mused Diddy while carelessly spinning the wheel.

When I got decently accustomed to the helm, I let it be and approached the left side of the ship as I began pulling the ropes to lower the sails; once I finished dropping both sides of the sail, although it was slight, I could feel the ship moving.

"You have to turn the sail to catch the wind." Remarked Freyja blandly as she began shifting the direction of the sails until they were catching the wind, causing the boat to pick up speed quickly.

"Tch, I know, woman; I was just about to get to that part." Said Diddy with a click of his tongue as he looked at the dock they had just left from.

"Well, you were too slow; be faster next time." Mocked Freyja as she folded her arms and looked at the island that was slowly getting smaller by the minute.

"Heh, bet you didn't say that to the beast you fucked." Replied Diddy with a feral grin, his words filling Freyja with wrath.

"How long do you want to play this game, Diddy!?" Exclaimed Freyja angrily as her body started morphing into her monstrous form while she unleashed her killing intent.

"Hehe, it seems like someone is finally deciding to get serious!" Said Diddy with a grin as he also unleashed his killing intent while brandishing his staff.

As we dangerously eyed one another while the two of us also released our killing intent, although it looked like we were about to break out into a fierce battle at any moment, both of us knew it wasn't going to happen; Freyja knew she couldn't beat me in battle, and she still hasn't reached her peak. So after provocatively staring at each other for a solid minute, we reeled in our killing intent and calmed down as we quietly looked at the island in the distance.

"You know, I couldn't care less about Karate Island, but as I look at it now, I can't help but reminisce about it. I created various memories in that place, most of them I don't care about, but there are a few that I'm very fond of." Said Diddy calmly with a slight smile while looking at the island as he stood beside Freyja.

"I suppose I'm not too different; I was born on that island and knew nothing but that island, yet now, for the first time, I'm leaving it; after having brought it to ruins." Added Freyja as she also reminisced, and for the first time in seven years, she displayed a smile of happiness.

Just as I was about to turn around and man the helm, I suddenly stopped and widened my eyes as I remembered I had left an unfulfilled promise to myself; looking back at the island, I quickly ran forward and jumped off the ship while propelling myself through the air as I headed toward the island once more.

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