Chapter 161: Knock-Up Stream Around The Corner

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As I continued to head north, following the scent of salt, It continued to get more prominent with every passing minute, and not only that, the sky above was getting darker as thick clouds covered the blue sky; now I wasn't a navigator, nor did I understand the what these clouds mean from a weather standpoint, but one thing I did have, was instincts. To be honest, it would be undermining my instincts to simply call them that; they are essentially my sixth sense for how potent and versatile they are; not only do they warn me of danger, but they can help me discern whether someone is lying, and they can help me predict the weather, which, if I'm not mistaken, are all things certain beasts can do.

'I've got no evidence, but I'm pretty confident we're in the correct spot; either that or we're fucked when the enemies from afar finally reach us.' Mused Diddy with a slight smirk as he floated in the air and looked up at the clouds before turning around and heading back toward his ship, which had been following him the entire time.

Kicking the air, I propelled myself through the sky and headed toward my ship, yet while doing so, I noticed the Strawhats ship was adjacent to ours, which slightly confused me since I thought they were following us, only to suddenly realize they had wings on their ship.

'I'm fucking stupid, how did I only realize it now? They're also attempting to ride the Knock-up Stream. Well, aren't they fucking crazy? Hehe, I like it!' Thought Diddy as he slapped himself before glancing at Nami, causing him to grin, only to notice a third ship far off in the distance.

"Okay, this is getting ridiculous; who the fuck even is that following us? Never seen that flag before." Muttered Diddy with a twitching face as he eyed the third ship far off in the distance, looking at the flag only to quickly ignore it.

Ignoring the third ship, I landed on the upper deck beside Sebas and Mael while Freyja was still manning the helm, though that was about to change quickly.

"Keep heading north; I'm pretty sure that's where the Knock-up stream is, and if I had to take a wild guess, I bet it's going to erupt today and soon at that." Remarked Diddy with a smirk as he approached the helm and stood beside Freyja, who nodded at his words while Mael curiously glanced at him.

"How do you know that?" Asked Mael with a raised eyebrow while eyeing Diddy, who smirked before pointing his tail at the Strawhats ship.

"Look at their ship; a pair of wings nailed to their ship, along with a proper navigator, the two exact things Sebas warned us about before daring to take the Knock-up stream." Replied Diddy, his words causing the three to glance at the Strawhats ship before looking back at him while frowning.

"Tch, and look at us; we've got neither, and to make matters worse, we don't have many other options since we're apparently being hunted as well. It's either die taking the Knock-up stream, die from whoever is hunting us, or stay lost at sea for an indefinite amount of time." Remarked Freyja with a click of her tongue as she aggressively poked Diddy's body before elongating her nails and aiming to stab his heart, only for him to grab her hand.

"Yeah, we're in a pretty terrible situation, but isn't it rather exhilarating? The chances of us surviving are slim, but that only makes us strive for it even harder, and that's the best part about it: giving it your all and then some if you wish to survive." Declared Diddy with a feral grin while tightly holding Freyja's wrist as he looked straight into her eyes before tossing her into the air and sitting in the helm.

"Hoho, I don't know about this being the best part, Captain, but I can't tell a lie; this is indeed rather exhilarating. I just think this old man has had a little bit too much thrill recently." Said Sebas with a soft chuckle as he outstretched his arm, catching Freyja with his telekinesis before slowly lowering her onto the deck while she grumbled in annoyance.

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