Chapter 135: Mael Vs. Doberman

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While Diddy was evenly fighting against three Vice-admirals, and Freyja was slugging it out with Dalmatian like a pair of brutes, Mael, similar to Freyja, was being pushed to his limit while fighting Doberman, who was not even using his sword.

Blocking his fists using my axe, I blasted him with a wave of plasma before striking him with my axe, which was laced with burning hot plasma, yet even so, he caught it with both of his hands before pushing me back and punching me in the stomach, causing me to spit out blood and grit my teeth as I was flung several meters away, though I eventually stopped myself.

'Haa, haa, t-this is difficult; if I had attacked this ship by myself, I would've died. Let alone dealing with three Vice-admirals like Captain, I'd be forced to fight five, and I'm barely holding my own against just one.' Thought Mael with an intense frown as he hovered in the air using his wings and glanced at Diddy, who had just kicked Cancer away, only to be sliced by Hosen after dodging Gion's sword from behind.

"Chaos Kong is strong, even capable of fighting back despite facing 3 of us, but after I kill you, it's only a matter of time before he and the rest of your lousy crew are killed." Stated Doberman ruthlessly as he glared at Mael before lunging at him, using geppo to maneuver through the sky.

Grunting in anger, I raised my axe above my head, manifesting a small ball of compressed plasma before launching it toward Doberman once he got close.

"Cruel Sun!" Yelled Mael loudly as he swung his golden axe down, launching the miniature sun to Doberman, who outstretched his haki-infused hands and stopped the sun's momentum, only for it to swiftly expand before consuming him in a fiery explosion.

"The only one dying here is you, Marine; I will not allow my free will ever to be stolen from me again!" Added Mael in exhaustion as he eyed Doberman, who came rushing out from the explosion with wounds and various burn marks on his body.

"If upholding justice means you must give up your free will, then so be it! I will not hesitate to uphold justice!" Declared Doberman wearily and solemnly as he charged toward Mael, who was doing the same, causing the two to collide with each other while engaging in close-quarter combat.

Blocking Doberman's flurry of blows, I slashed my axe at him, which he blocked, but I followed up with a solar punch to his face, knocking his head back, though he stood his ground and counterattacked with a kick to my side, breaking my ribs, and causing me to grit my teeth in pain, which was nothing compared to what I've been forced to endure as a slave. Using my arm, I locked his leg next to my body before swinging my axe down onto his head, prompting him to raise his arms above to try and stop my axe, though he only managed to slow it down for a brief second, which he then used to twist his body out of the way, evading my swing.

Getting kicked in the chest, I was forced back slightly, which allowed him to pull his leg free; retracting my axe, I swung down once more, only to stop and widen my eyes when I felt a stabbing pain in my stomach. Looking down, I saw a sword stabbed into my abdomen while a black hue receded from the blade, causing it to fall through my body and plummet into the ocean, though Doberman managed to catch it shortly after.

'W-What just happened!?' Thought Mael in confusion as he looked down at his bleeding wound, though he wasn't given any time to react as he was uppercutted in the chin, causing him to momentarily blackout.

"I need more focus." Muttered Doberman with a frown as he glanced at the sword in his hand before looking at Mael, who just regained his bearings after the punch.

Glaring at Doberman, I grabbed the hole in my stomach, trying to stop myself from bleeding, but it was proving useless; blood continued to pour out.

"D-Dammit! I-I should've been paying attention to his sword!" Muttered Mael angrily as he looked at Doberman with his slightly blurry vision, his exhaustion and injuries finally beginning to catch up to him.

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