Chapter 60: Diddy Returns

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"Ho, would you look at that? They actually managed to defeat the Bear pirates, including their Captain; what a welcome surprise." Remarked Freyja lightly as she looked up at the smoking ship with a raised eyebrow.

"Hoho, I always knew they could do it; they're quite powerful in their own right. Your average day pirates won't be enough to stop those rambunctious lot." Said Sebas with a slight chuckle of happiness as he approached the edge of the boat before waving his hand, causing the three to be lifted out of the water and into the air.

"Hahaha! Did you see that, Father!? Showed those pirates who are the real pirates!" Exclaimed Grand with a large smile as his brother and sister were levitated onto the ship alongside him by Sebas.

"Yes, I saw everything that transpired from the moment you stepped foot onto the ship; congratulations on winning. It was a hard-fought victory." Replied Sebas with a faint yet proud smile as he looked at the three standing before him.

"Now that everything is over, I'm going to rest; I'm pretty sure I've broken a few ribs as every time I breathe, I'm hit with a wave of pain." Said Trenza with a frown as she holstered her pistols and approached the stairs, hissing in pain every few seconds.

"Grand, if you could go help tend to Trenza, Scar and I will plunder the Bear pirate's ship; from what I saw in the captain's memories, they had a rather good pile of valuables in the ship's cargo." Stated Sebas as Grand nodded and went after Trenza while Scar approached the plank between the two ships.

"I don't know if that's really necessary, Sebas." Remarked Freyja from the helm as she looked down at the two, one walking and the other floating to the other ship.

"Hmm, what do you mean by that Freyja? We're pirates; don't pirates plunder other pirates after they're defeated?" Questioned Scar with furrowed brows while looking at Freyja, whose words confused him.

"Normally, yes, but Diddy isn't really interested in being a pirate. He decided to be a pirate because it sounded better than being labeled as a revolutionist or something else by the Marines. Besides, Diddy isn't the type of person to use any currency; if he wants something, he'll just take it, no questions asked. What's the use of treasure when we've got a captain like that?" Stated Freyja with a shake of her head as she folded her arms while glancing at Scar.

"Now that you mention it, that does indeed sound like something he'd do; no wonder he didn't bother ransacking the Briss Kingdom's treasury. I just figured he didn't want to search for it as I'm sure it would've been rather tedious, especially after he killed everyone who might possibly know its location." Said Sebas with a thoughtful expression while nodding as he floated between the two ships.

"Still, having treasure aboard the ship shouldn't pose any problems? I'm doubtful he'd get angry from that, well, as long as it's stored properly." Added Sebas as he looked at Freyja, who nodded back.

"You're right; I'm positive he won't mind. If you two wish to steal their valuables, that's fine by me; I don't mind. I just figured I should tell you in advance." Replied Freyja lightly as she glanced at the burning ship.

"Though, I suggest you hurry; the ship doesn't look like it'll stay afloat much longer." Added Freyja as she grabbed a nearby newspaper and started reading.

"Let us do this quickly then, Scar; only take what you believe to be the most valuable first; we can return for everything else." Ordered Sebas as he landed on the ship's deck, mentally creating an ethereal shield that prevented any smoke or fire from reaching him.

"Got it, Father." Said Scar with a nod as he arrived on the deck and closely followed behind Sebas while they navigated through the smoke.

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