Chapter 59: Bear Pirates Defeated!

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Seeing Grand topple the large bear, while I could've used that as an opportunity to land a blow on him, I wouldn't have arrived in time before the bear got back on its feet; besides, I was currently running toward Trenza anyway.

"Trenza, I've got a way to defeat him!" Stated Scar as he checked upon Trenza, who was panting while leaning against the railing.

"I-I need to i-improve my e-endurance; I-I can't be getting exhausted f-from a little r-running. A-Anyways, what's the plan, S-Scar? H-How do we beat that M-Man Bear?" Remarked Trenza between her heavy breathing as she glanced at Scar to her right before looking at Grand and the bear fighting.

"I'm sure you've noticed it, but ever since he transformed into a Bear, none of our attacks are doing much damage anymore; my dagger is too short to cause any relevant wounds, and your pistols are practically useless against its skin. However, I'm not sure if you noticed, but when the Bear charged you, one of your bullets happened to hit a wound I previously inflicted on him, causing his leg to buckle slightly." Said Scar solemnly as he pointed at Trenza's pistols and his dagger.

"Y-Yeah, I saw that as well, though, at that time, I was too preoccupied with running for my life; still, even so, it didn't do much damage at all in general. If I want to injure him, I need to use my explosive ammo." Replied Trenza with a nod as she reached into her pants pocket and grabbed several reddish-black bullets about twice the size of standard bullets.

"9. Don't tell me you've only got 9 explosive bullets, Trenza? Don't you usually have a whole box of them?" Asked Scar with a frown as he watched Trenza load the nine bullets into the pistol she uses with her left hand.

"The rest are on the ship in my room, alright? I didn't think we'd have to fight anyone this strong. Father said the South Blue is usually filled with weak pirates, so I thought we'd be fine; this is all I've got." Remarked Trenza defensively as she finished loading her left pistol before looking at Scar.

I was going to say something, but we suddenly heard the sound of something breaking, only for us to look at the fight and see Grand, who was covered in more wounds, getting thrown into the ship.

"Dammit, I'll try my best to make deep cuts; you just make sure to pick your shots carefully, Trenza! I'm going to assist Grand!" Yelled Scar as he dashed toward the Bear.

"Heh, I'd thought you had run away like that cowardly woman over there! Doesn't matter, though; I'm killing you all, and I'll make sure to torture that bitch!" Yelled the Bear as he charged toward Scar.

Seeing the man come right for me, I did something rather risky, and instead of getting out of the way, I continued running for him. Once we got close, he opened his maw wide as he tried biting me, but that's exactly what I was waiting for; not even a second later, a gunshot was heard, followed by the sound of a bullet whizzing right above my head, entering the man's mouth, though it seemed like he didn't notice.

A moment after the gunshot was heard, an explosion happened inside the bear as smoke and fire emerged from his mouth, which I used as a chance not to retreat but instead to get closer. While aiming for his internal organs would be ideal, I didn't have much confidence in being able to make a deep enough wound on his body with just a dagger, and after what Trenza just did, I doubt he'd be stupid enough to open his mouth like that again.

So, I went for the next best option, turning him immobile, aiming for his legs, specifically his joints; I sliced through the leg Trenza, and I had already injured, deepening his wound before cutting his other front leg. After injuring the two legs, I didn't get greedy and swiftly retreated, which proved to be the correct decision, as shortly after I left, he slammed his paw down where I was previously standing, and while he might not have killed me, I wouldn't be far from death.

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