Chapter 106: Pirate Royal Begins!

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"Haa, did she just say Pirate Royale?" Asked Trenza with a sigh as she looked up at Scar, who was frowning while looking up at the projected image of Mirage.

"Unfortunately, yes; I'm also assuming the arena below us will be where we fight." Said Scar with a nod as he and Trenza looked down below at the large arena that was surrounded by infested waters.

"Haha, why do you two sound so worried? Even if we are forced to fight everyone here, I'm confident we can easily take everyone!" Remarked Grand with a boisterous laugh as he patted Scar's back while looking at the two, causing them both to sigh.

"That's not really the problem, Grand; the problem is, do you think Madam Mirage or whatever her name is will just set us free if we win this battle royale? Because I have a feeling that won't be the case." Said Trenza, folding her arms while looking at Grand, whose face stiffened a little as he stopped laughing.

"Also, I know with the three of us together, we're capable of exceptional feats, but who is to say among what seems to be over 100 pirates that one or more of them aren't stronger than us? Maybe one of them is like Father and Freyja, a Devil Fruit user; that'll make things several times harder for us." Stated Scar as he glanced at the two, his words causing Grand to think seriously about their situation.

"Eh, when you put it like that, I guess our circumstance isn't that great, but at least on the bright side, there doesn't seem to be a Devil Fruit user among the people present; we've got that going for us." Commented Grand with a thoughtful expression as he looked at Scar and Trenza, though his words only deepened Scar's frown.

"That's much more worrying; I'd rather there be a Devil Fruit user that I know about than me hoping on the chance there isn't one. Anyways, be quiet; she looks like she's about to speak." Replied Scar with a shake of his head as the three focused back on Mirage, who opened her mouth to speak, only for someone to rudely interrupt.

"Release us this instant, you Old Hag; I've been stuck in here for two whole days! Also, where the fuck is my gold." Yelled a fairly large man locked inside a cage not too far away from Scar's cell with roughly twelve other people sitting with him as he stood up angrily and pointed toward Mirage.

"Ah, yes, who are you again? With so many people, It's always hard to keep track." Said Mirage rather nicely as she took a sip of tea and glanced at the man in the carriage, causing him to display an arrogant expression.

"Heh, it's too late to save yourself; maybe if you were a cute child, but seeing as you're an old hag, your death is assured for keeping I, Bill B. Cosby, behind bars." Stated the man with an angry yet arrogant face as he glared at Mirage, who nodded in response.

"Bill B. Cosby, ah, yes, I see, I've got your wanted poster right here; 16,000,000 Beri's for, oh my, you actually did those things to those poor little girls?" Remarked Mirage with a raised eyebrow as she read off what one could only assume was a wanted poster before widening her eyes in disgust.

"Hehe, what can I say? I like my women, real young!" Said Cosby pridefully, though his words caused many surrounding pirates from other carriages to give him looks of disgust as well.

"Tch, disgusting; even if I end up dying here, I'm taking that bastard with me."

"Urgh, I don't even want to think what that disgusting old man did."

"Revolting, even as a pirate, one must have a moral code; that's too far."

"Tsk, we're killers and thieves, not monsters."

"Hmph, shut up, you lot, don't tell me how to live-" Said Cosby angrily as he glared at the surrounding pirates also locked in cages; before he could finish speaking, a gunshot was heard, and by the time it happened, Cosby was already collapsing onto the ground with a hole through the side of his head.

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