Chapter 67: Mini Vs Diddy!

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"Haa, anyways, Captain, will we eliminate those stalkers that keep following us or not?" Asked Trenza with a shake of her head as she pointed toward the entrance of the bar, where a marine soldier was peeking through and spying on them.

"No point in doing so; I'll kill them all at night, so it doesn't matter. Besides, how do you expect to kill them without a single weapon? Don't tell me you're going to use your fists; I've heard enough jokes for one day." Replied Diddy while dismissively waving his hand at the marine, who quickly ducked behind cover before eyeing Trenza

Other than some incoherent grumbling, Trenza didn't bother responding to my question, most likely because what I said was true; I doubt Trenza is even capable of beating a regular marine in hand-to-hand combat, and I'm specifically talking about female marines as well.

Since Trenza didn't have much food left, once she finished, we stood up and left the bar; as we were pirates, we obviously didn't pay for our meal. Exiting the bar, we walked right past the marine who'd been stalking us for the past half-hour, shocking him as he backed away while trembling in fear, yet neither of us paid him any mind; Trenza was too busy looking for a blacksmith shop, while I didn't care about his presence.

This town or city, whatever you want to call it, was filled with blacksmith shops, so it wasn't hard to find them, though what was hard, tedious, and annoying was the fact that, no matter how many shops we entered, none seemed to have pistols up to Trenza's standard. Which ultimately forced us to walk around the entire city while stopping at every blacksmith shop we came across, yet even after searching through fifty different shops, Trenza still left empty-handed.

I personally didn't mind all this walking around, mainly because I was just waiting for the sky to darken so I could begin causing a ruckus under the cover of darkness. Still, that didn't mean I found this enjoyable; it is still rather annoying. The only reason I was putting up with it was because it's not like I had anything better to do, at least not yet.

'I'm eternally grateful I didn't have a girlfriend in my last life; if I were forced to experience this every time we went shopping, I would've ended myself.' Thought Diddy while his eye constantly twitched as he walked behind Trenza, following her footsteps.

"Ugh, I've visited nearly every blacksmith shop in the freaking city, so why don't they have a single decent pair of pistols!" Yelled Trenza in anger as she punched a nearby try, which only ended up with her grabbing her fist while hissing in pain.

"Tch, well, what do you expect? When you're forced to supply thousands of men with weapons, you're not able to focus on forging quality weapons. Besides, how good do you need your pistols to be? Don't they just need to shoot some lead spheres?" Remarked Diddy with a raised eyebrow while looking at Trenza as he leaned against the tree she had just punched.

"I need them to do more than simply shoot bullets; they need to be able to work underwater, they need to hold a large amount of ammo, and most importantly, they need to be durable enough where I can fire hundreds of times in a sequence without worrying about damaging the barrel." Replied Trenza calmly as she listed her requirements, though Diddy was hardly paying attention.

"It just sounds to me like you're being very picky." Said Diddy dryly as he yawned while looking at the night sky.

"Well, think about it like this: how would you like it if you broke your bo-staff and needed a replacement? You wouldn't just choose your average wooden bo-staff; it wouldn't last for more than a second in your hands." Stated Trenza with a raised eyebrow as she looked at Diddy while resting her hands on her hips.

"Tch, touché." Muttered Diddy as he closed his eyes, though that wasn't for long; a couple of seconds later, he suddenly snapped his eyes open while looking in a certain direction.

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