Chapter 23: Staff Master & News

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"I've heard rumors that the Dojo Hunter had a relatively small build; however, now that I see you in the flesh, you're not just someone with a small build. You're a child." Remarked the Dojo Master while scrutinizing Diddy, specifically his non-human features.

"Not to mention you're not human; possibly an escaped slave seeking revenge against humans?" Added the Dojo Master.

"Hehe, well, I'm only 10 years old; however, I'm no slave, and I couldn't care less about you humans; I merely enjoy causing chaos and fighting." Replied Diddy with a savage smile, one that caused the Dojo Master to frown even more intensely.

"I see." Muttered the man with a nod as he turned around and approached a wall with a large painting of nature.

Patiently observing the man, I watched how he lifted the painting off the wall and moved it out of the way, revealing a large metal safe embedded into the wall; however, I wasn't surprised about the safe since I had sensed it the moment I entered the Dojo, though I will say, it's scent reminds me of the ocean.

As I waited for the man to open the safe, which had numerous locks on it, I continued to get familiar with using a staff as while I may have been able to defeat those previous four relatively easily; I didn't have any confidence in being able to beat this man, at least not yet. Hearing the safe open, I looked in his direction, only to see the man grab a large briefcase from inside the safe that was more long than tall; if I had to guess, it probably contained a staff.

Curiously, I neared the man as he opened the safe, revealing a sizeable reddish staff with both ends covered in gold, causing me to raise an eyebrow as I had not expected to see such a beautiful staff; however, while closely inspecting it; I noted it gave off a powerful aura, one that caused even me to take it seriously.

'Hehe; I want it!' Thought Diddy with a smile and greedy eyes as he clenched his fist so tightly he accidentally broke the staff in his hand.

Dropping the broken staff, I quickly grabbed another one while preparing to fight when I saw that the man was already in a fighting stance, though I couldn't suppress my curiosity about the staff any longer.

"What's the history of that staff?" Asked Diddy while standing opposite the man as he held the staff with both his hands.

"I don't know; all I know is that 150 years ago, the founder of this Dojo stumbled across the staff while exploring the world, hoping to deepen his knowledge of martial arts before eventually returning to Karate Island. However, even after participating in numerous battles, this staff doesn't have a single blemish, signifying its impeccable craftsmanship." Replied the man pridefully as he slammed the staff on the ground, seemingly initiating the battle as he charged toward Diddy.

As the man swiftly approached me, he swung the large staff at me from the left, which I quickly reacted to by putting my wooden staff to my left, attempting to block his attack; yet, the moment our staffs connected, my wooden staff crumbled as if it was paper beneath the man's might. Clicking my tongue in annoyance, I leaned backward at a ninety-degree angle, causing the man's attack to miss me; well, it was supposed to miss me, but it seemed like he had impressive reflexes as well since he was able to change the trajectory while attacking.

Before he could hit me, I slammed my tail against the ground at an angle, pushing me to the side and allowing me to dodge the staff that powerfully collided against the mats on the floor. Stopping my momentum before I burst through the wall, I grabbed another staff from one of the barrels, which I so happened to be near, as I charged toward the man with a feral grin. Knowing that I couldn't block his attacks unless I wished for my staff to be destroyed, I opted to stay mainly on the defense while diverting the man's staff instead of straight out blocking it.

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