Chapter 3: Chaos Kong's Birth

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It's been about four days since I managed to free myself from those blankets, and I don't know whether it's because I'm a baby or not, but whoever wrapped me in those blankets really didn't want me to escape; I mean it took eight days for me to escape.

Anyways, let's move past my daily ranting; in these past few days, I've gotten very good crawling that It becomes second nature; I don't even need to consciously put effort into it anymore. However, as I stated before, crawling is just the beginning, and currently, I'm working on relearning how to walk; though, I'll tell you what, it's not nearly as difficult as I imagined it would be.

Considering my physical capabilities, I suspected it would be nearly impossible to walk on my two short stubby legs, not to mention my lack of balance; however, to my surprise, although I won't claim it's easy, it's not as bad as I thought. My balance wasn't an issue, mainly because of my brown furry tail, which I can't really control; I just move it subconsciously, but I'll work on that later as it's not much of a concern for me right now.

Other than that, during my downtime, I would scour the beach for food, water, or hopefully both, and while I've found a decent amount that could sustain me for some time since I currently have no teeth, most of the items I've found are useless to me, not to mention even if I had teeth I might not have the jaw strength to bite into them.

Though I did happen to find a couple of snails while digging through the sand in search of eggs, I was tempted to eat them; however, I remember hearing that snails contain a tremendous amount of deadly bacteria and viruses to the human body and though I don't seem to be human, I wasn't going to take my chances right now; especially since I'm currently not desperate. However, if I could boil them, that would be an entirely different story, but that'll be for the future.

"Gob, dammit! I almos hab it! (God, dammit! I almost had it!)." Said Diddy as he tripped and fell face-first into the sand.

'Haa, whatever; I'm making progress; that's all that matters. At the rate I'm currently going, I should be able to walk within a few days. Once again, I'm very thankful I wasn't born as a human again; I would've died many times over.' Thought Diddy while sighing as he prayed to a random god he didn't believe in.

Once I finished my prayer, I started crawling to a nearby tree and used it to prop myself up until I was standing on my own two feet; then, like all the previous failed attempts, I let go of the tree and tried walking by putting my right leg in front of me, and while I managed to successfully do that after nearly falling over. I tried the same with my left leg, yet I didn't lift my leg high enough, and I once again tripped on the sand, falling face-first into the warm sand for the umpteenth time today.

'What's the definition of insanity again? Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result? I don't know, but that sounds close enough.' Thought Diddy as he shook his head while repeating what he's been doing for the past day, only to eventually fail every time.



Over the past few days of attempting to walk, I eventually realized the source of my failures and why I could only walk up to ten steps before falling over. My baby legs weren't strong enough to support my body for several steps. So when I realized that, I stopped trying to walk and started strengthening my legs with the help of a tree to stabilize myself, and I'll tell you what; I don't know whether it's because I'm very young or if it's because I'm not human, but my leg strength grew unusually fast.

On the first day, I started strengthening my legs by doing squats; at first, I couldn't even do six in a row without my legs nearly giving up. However, not even three hours later, I could do nine, which isn't much, but it's a fifty percent increase from my previous record, and that's substantial. The following two days, I continued to show abnormal growth in my strength, and by the third day, which was yesterday, I could do one-hundred squats in a row with relative ease. So now, with my improved leg strength, I started practicing walking again, and just like with my leg muscles, I also made massive improvements in walking.

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