Chapter 140: One Hell Of A Raid

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Evading Jerry's relentless assault of punches, I waited for an opening before stepping forward and uppercutting him, crashing his head through the ceiling while the rest of his body lifelessly hung there. Seeing him not move, I got slightly worried and pulled him out of the ceiling, only to sigh in relief after checking him; he wasn't dead, just unconscious.

"Haa, that was close; I thought you were dead for a second." Muttered Grand with a slight smile as he picked up Jerry along with his unconscious partner and left the communications room, heading toward the agreed-upon meeting spot.

'Hope everyone else also had it as easy me; Jerry wasn't that strong, but he was a decently skilled boxer, though I doubt he was actually a boxing champion.' Mused Grand in slight worry as he ran down the halls, occasionally busting through the ship's walls.

After a few minutes of running, I arrived at the assigned location where the three of us would meet, and I was the first one there, which caused me to smirk as I'd beaten Scar; however, since I was the only one present, I figured a little patrolling wouldn't hurt.

'We're close to the room where the slaves are kept; I'm sure they wouldn't mind if I just took a few minutes to look around.' Thought Grand with a smirk as he set down the two bodies before grabbing the metal railing jutting out from the side of the wall and yanking it off.

Wrapping the metal railing around those two, making it tight to ensure they wouldn't escape, I ran down the left hall, heading right for the slave room, which didn't take too long to get to as I took a few shortcuts. Busting through the door, I walked from cage to cage, hoping to find Janet, yet all I saw were unconscious slaves I'd never seen before, though I was kind enough to rip off the metal bars binding them; if they managed to escape, good for them, otherwise they'd probably end up dying when Captain decides to sink the ship.

Looking through my thirty-seventh cage, I ripped the bars off and moved to the next one, only to freeze as I saw Janet lying on the ground like a sleeping beauty; destroying the cage, I crouched down and picked up Janet before heading back to the way I came, though it seemed like my movements had awakened her.

"Ahh, that was a wonderful nap; it's been a while since I've slept that well. I really needed that." Remarked Janet lightly as she stretched her body while yawning, oblivious that she was being carried.

"Haha, it's great to see you again, Janet!" Said Grand with a large smile and a loud, deep voice as he looked down at Janet, who glanced up at him in slight surprise.

"Eh, Grand? What are you doing here?" Asked Janet with a raised eyebrow as she curiously looked at Grand.

"For the raid, obviously; why else would I be here?" Remarked Grand with a chuckle while Janet nodded.

"Oh yeah, the raid; I completely forgot about that; I was too preoccupied with practicing my photography skills, and then all of a sudden, I fainted. Now, I'm in your arms." Said Janet with a thoughtful expression as she recounted everything from when Diddy left.

"You probably fainted because of Captain's haki, the Color of the Supreme King, or whatever he calls it. He's capable of defeating everyone but the strong with it." Replied Grand with a smirk as he started running back to the assigned spot, not wanting to be late since he had spent several minutes searching for Janet.

"Oh, cool. Anyways, how's the raid go-" Asked Janet with a nod, though her question answered itself as the entire ship suddenly trembled intensely.

"I'm assuming it's ongoing?" Added Janet with a wry smile while Grand laughed and nodded.

Once we made it back, not only were my two prisoners still there, but Scar was also present, along with four people and Trenza, who was looking rather worse for wear.

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