Chapter 110: A Frenzy Savoir!

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"Haa, please tell me you thought of something, Trenza; I'm rather exhausted after that fight." Said Scar, littered with wounds and out of breath as he sheathed his bloody dagger and approached Trenza while Grand did the same.

"Haha, yeah, fighting that Fish-man was quite the workout; his strength and technique were impressive, but it still wasn't enough to claim victory over the mighty Atlas of the Frenzy Pirates!" Declared Grand with a grin as he flexed his muscles, his shirt bulging at the seams and ready to tear, though he stopped playing around when he felt the arena tremble once more.

"Urgh, great, we've only got three minutes left, and no, I haven't figured out a way to escape; there is nothing we can use. Maybe if the arena wasn't shrinking, we might've been able to do something, but now, we are too isolated from anything in this room." Replied Trenza with a grunt as she and Kane stepped forward, approaching Grand and Scar, who both gave Kane a scrutinizing look.

"Um, Trenza, who is that?" Asked Scar with a raised eyebrow while eyeing Kane, who hid behind Trenza, trembling in fear.

"Eh, I'll tell you about him later, but he's not a threat; right now, we need to figure out how to escape." Stated Trenza with a slight frown as she glanced at the frightened Kane and gently rubbed his head, calming him down before focusing back on the problem at hand.

With that, the two didn't bother pressing the matter as we all started thinking and formulating ways to escape, but no matter what we came up with, nothing would work; creating a feasible plan was hard enough, let alone an actual plan. Most of our plans started based on Grand throwing us anywhere in the room, but the problem was there was nothing for us to latch onto, not to mention we wouldn't even be able to get Grand to safety.

Before we knew it, it came down to the final minute with the four of us huddled together in the small arena as we overlooked the water beneath us, occasionally seeing the silhouette of the massive shark that would eat us when he inevitably fell.

"There is no way out; just accept it. If three of you die, at least one will get to live; sometimes sacrifices are needed." Said Mirage calmly while overlooking the four, though all her words did was anger them.

"Tch, no way in hell, you crazy bitch of a woman! We're family; if we're going down, we're going down together!" Yelled Trenza passionately in anger as she pointed Sunaipu to where Mirage's face was previously displayed.

"Haha, that's right; you tell'em, Trenza, if we go down, we go down fighting together!" Said Grand with a boisterous laugh as he cracked his neck, preparing for the fight while fearlessly looking down at the water.

"Besides, who said we must die? To survive, all we need to do is kill your pet shark; between the three of us, I'm confident we can do it." Stated Scar with confidence as he unsheathed his dagger, his eyes radiating the will to live.

"Yeah, you said it, Scar! At the end of the day, it's just a slightly bigger shark; if Captain can hunt Sea Kings like they're nothing, we can at least manage to kill an overgrown shark!" Declared Trenza with a large, ferocious grin as she readied her two pistols, though all of a sudden, she felt someone grab her while a cold, sharp object was pressed against her neck.

"K-Kane, w-what a-are you doing!?" Exclaimed Trenza in shock and anger as she looked down and saw a small blade pressed up against her neck.

"Dammit! Bastard, let Trenza go!" Said Scar and Grand, respectively, as they glared at Kane while slowly approaching, though they were forced to stop.

"Don't move! Take one more step, and I'll slit her neck!" Yelled Kane with an unnerving look in his eyes as he tightened his hold on Trenza, drawing blood in the process.

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