Chapter 108: 3 Vs. 3

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"Ugh, gentle, Grand." Said Trenza with a grunt of pain as she stood back up and dusted off clothes while Grand continued to laugh, causing her to sigh.

"Tch, transponder snails that large are expensive; roughly 20,000,000 Beri's! Whatever, thankfully, I've got backups." Muttered Mirage angrily through the speakers, seemingly speaking to no one specific, merely voicing her thoughts.

"Anyways, as you nine have seen, starting now, every minute, the outside layer of the arena will fall into the water; I'm sure I don't need to explain the implications behind it. Now, please continue from where you left off; just know you have roughly 11 minutes remaining." Added Mirage calmly, regaining her bearings as she overlooked the pirates in interest.

Right when Mirage finished speaking, the ground I was standing on started trembling again, causing me to quickly jump forward, the same as Scar and Grand, just in time for the area we were previously standing on to fall into the water.

"Make that 10 minutes; chop, chop, pirates." Said Mirage lightly, with traces of amusement in her voice, prompting the nine pirates to imagine her with a smile as she overlooked them, much to their annoyance.

Groaning in anger and annoyance at Mirage, I clicked my tongue and focused back to the task at hand, which was surviving this 'game' and getting out of here so I could put a bullet in that old bitches head. It was a simple plan if I do say so myself; the only problem is, we had three people preventing us from doing so, well technically six, but the three were on death's door; they weren't of any threat.

I was about to say something to Scar and Grand, but before I could, the tribal man suddenly made a move, catching everyone's attention as we warily eyed him; the man lunged forth, spouting words of a language I didn't know, though I could only assume they were some sort of battle cry.

Thankfully, the man's focus wasn't on any of us; instead, it was one of the three exhausted and injured pirates, and his sudden actions caught the man slightly off-guard, though he did manage to react by getting in a stance with his sword, but unfortunately for him, the pirate wasn't able to put up much if any resistance at all. The tribal man caught the pirate's sword as he swung it, making him draw blood from his hand, but he seemed completely unbothered by it; he then, using the sword within his grasp, yanked the more forward, pulling him closer and next thing I knew, I heard a sickening crunch as the tribal man's fist landed squarely on the mans face, breaking his facial structure.

Though living up to his brutality, he continued to bombard the man with devastating punches with a sadistic grin on his face; even when the man died, he continued to unleash his brutality for some time before finally relenting, seemingly having had his fill.

"You sure you wish to take him, Scar?" Asked Trenza with a nervous gulp as she looked at the blood-covered man, who stared back at her, causing her to shift her body until she was behind Scar.

"Well, if you want Trenza, we can always change opponents; you take on that savage beast that acts like a wilder and stupider version of Captain while I take on what looks like a prepubescent boy." Remarked Scar with a slight smirk as he held his dagger in a reverse grip and stared unflinchingly at the tribal man slowly approaching him.

Hearing Scar's, I took a second to seriously consider his words, causing me to constantly look between the savage, brutal tribal man and the frightened young man, who, even I was confident in beating in a fistfight despite my small stature.

"Haa, no thanks, I'll take the kid; don't die on me, Scar, and if you do, make sure you greatly wound the man; that way, at least I'll be able to finish the job." Stated Trenza with a shake of her head as she lighted backed away before slapping Scar's butt with a smirk, encouraging him in his fight.

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