Chapter 121: Heracles, The Warrior Botanist

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"So, any idea what kind of abilities you'll acquire by eating that devil fruit?" Asked Freyja curiously as she approached Diddy in the air and eyed the white, squared devil fruit.

"Heh, why don't you eat it, and when you figure it out, tell us; we're all interested in knowing." Replied Diddy with a smirk as he tossed the devil fruit to Freyja, who clicked her tongue while catching the devil fruit.

"So I could explode or something? No, thank you; why don't you eat it? You'll definitely get stronger, but on the bright side, it'll give me a major weakness to use against you." Remarked Freyja as she closely observed the devil fruit, smelling it like Diddy before tossing it back to him.

"Hehe, in your dreams, I'm never eating a devil fruit, especially when I don't know its abilities. If you ever wish to kill me, you're going to have to be stronger than me; I'm not giving you the opportunity to use seawater on me." Stated Diddy with a feral grin while shaking his head before glancing at Trenza, Grand, and Scar.

"What about you three? Are you guys willing to risk eating a devil fruit with an unknown ability and forsake your ability to ever touch the water unless you want your strength sapped away?" Questioned Diddy curiously with a smirk as he floated over to them, who were all sitting weakly on his bo-staff.

"Eh, n-no; I-I'm good. Knowing my l-luck, it'll probably g-grant me the ability t-to breath under w-water or something terrible like that." Said Trenza in exhaustion as she shook her head, and although she was tempted, the cons outweighed the possible pros'.

"Y-Yeah; I-I'm also good. M-My strength has been d-doing me just fine so far." Replied Grand with a nod while hanging from Naga-sa, though as it continued to sap his strength, he looked like he would fall soon.

"I-It's a no for me; I-I've just recently started my training, and I-I'm already seeing r-results. I-It would b-be stupid of me to eat a d-devil fruit; besides, d-didn't you say, Captain, d-devil fruits aren't your t-true strength?" Remarked Scar as he looked up at Diddy, feeling just as exhausted as Grand and Trenza despite having wielded Naga-sa plenty of times before.

"No, they aren't; maybe to some people, they might be. But if the water can take your strength, then it's not really yours to begin with, is it? At least not to me." Stated Diddy with a smirk as he glanced at the three with a nod before storing the devil fruit in his pouch attached to his waist.

Shortly after I stored the devil fruit, the living island trembled slightly before a loud eruption was heard, followed by a massive gust of powerful wind shooting upwards from the island's center, right where its mouth was.

"Was that a burp?" Asked Diddy with a raised eyebrow as he looked at the island's mouth, which was now closed.

"Your guess is as good as mine; I've never been on a living island after all." Said Freyja as she shrugged her shoulders.

Following what I could only assume was a burp, the island's flower petals we were standing on slowly started descending back to their previous position; once the island was back to normal, Trenza immediately hopped off my bo-staff and ran to a nearby tree before keeling over, vomiting everything she had eaten.

"Hmm, what's wrong with her?" Asked Diddy curiously as he grabbed Naga-sa from out of the ground while glancing at Trenza before looking at Grand and Scar.

"I-I think she felt disgusted t-that she ate f-food from this island." Replied Scar while leaning against a tree, out of breath and nearly fully exhausted.

I was confused as to why she would feel disgusted about eating food grown on this island, but I quickly ignored it as I grabbed a nearby fruit and started eating it. However, while doing so, I suddenly smirked and looked at Freyja, who also looked at me, both of us sensing the same thing.

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