Chapter 158: Sebas A Strawhat

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Propelling myself through the air, I searched for Trenza, only to find her out of the city while surrounded by several people who all tried attacking her, though she was holding her own rather well; so instead of directly interfering, I hid myself a nearby tree and watched the battle from afar, while contemplating about Blackbeard.

'Hmm, Blackbeard, he's strong, and I've got no doubt he could give me a good fight, but it's not enough. When fighting him, I had gotten an almost instinctual feeling that he was far from his peak, and if that's true, I'd much rather let him live and fight him in the future when he's stronger and more competent.' Pondered Diddy with a thoughtful expression as he hung upside from the tree by his tail, occasionally assisting Trenza by firing a silent shigan at her enemies.

However, now that I've decided to let Blackbeard live, I've got nothing left to do for today; it's only a little past the afternoon, and we're leaving tomorrow morning.

"Guess I'll just spend time training; I'm close to completing that technique anyways." Muttered Diddy as he folded his arms and closed his eyes, just in time for Trenza to nearly get her head taken off by a sword slash.

A few minutes passed by, and Trenza finally defeated all of her opponents, an impressive feat given her strength, if I'm being honest; however, following the defeat of her enemies, Bellamy, who was unconsciously lying amongst the bodies, opened his eyes; seemingly spurred awake by the sound of gunfire, yelling, and grunts.

'Oh, that's why that group looked so familiar; they were there when I stole that dude's clothes; that makes sense.' Mused Diddy as he snapped at his finger in revelation before dropping from the tree and launching toward Bellamy.

"Die, die, die, die!" Yelled Trenza desperately as she fired relentlessly at Bellamy, though with his legs as spring, he was able to dart around the area, dodging all of her shots.

Just before Bellamy could lunge toward Trenza, I landed on his head and slammed him into the ground face-first, right in front of Trenza, who sighed in relief when she spotted me.

"Haa, thank goodness it's you, Captain; I was worried Bellamy did something crazy." Said Trenza exhaustedly as she holstered her two pistols before approaching Diddy, who was standing atop Bellamy like he was on the ground.

"How was the fight? Seeing how it didn't last long, did you already win?" Asked Trenza curiously as she glanced at Bellamy before looking at Diddy, who stepped off of his unconscious body and onto the ground.

"The fight was good, and no, I didn't win; it was a draw. I decided to end the fight earlier as he was still unfamiliar with using his devil fruit. I figured it would be better to fight him in the future when he's stronger and more competent; that's much more fun." Replied Diddy lightly with a smirk as he kicked Bellamy into the distance, while Trenza walked behind him and unceremoniously hopped on his back, wrapping her arms and legs around him.

"I swear, Captain, you must be the only person alive who doesn't kill his enemies just so that they can get stronger. Freyja's the best example of this." Remarked Trenza softly with a shake of her head as she rested her chin on Diddy's shoulder while closing her eyes.

"Anyways, that entire encounter was rather tiring, so I'm going to use this respite to rest. I hope you don't mind, Captain." Added Trenza with a yawn as her breathing slowly became even; she may not have been sleeping, but she was excellently imitating it.

Glaring at Trenza, I had half a mind to violently shake her off my body, but other than lightly growling, I merely grumbled under my breath before leaping into the air, taking to the skies as I flew us back to the ship. After a few minutes of propelling the two of us through the sky, we eventually arrived back at the dock, yet, to my surprise, I sensed Sebas was in the Strawhat's ship.

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