Chapter 162: Narrow Escape!

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Chuckling to myself, I was about to order Trenza to shoot the shit out of Blackbeard's marksman, but before I could, I felt a sudden wave of death wash over me as all of my hair stood one end, and I wasn't the only one, Freyja also sensed the same thing as me considering we both snapped out heads from the direction we came from. Far in the distance, there it was; it was still mostly hidden behind the horizon, but the flag flowing in the wind was a dead giveaway as to who it was.

"Marines." Muttered Diddy and Freyja simultaneously with ugly expressions as they gazed at the massive battleship that slowly revealed itself from behind the horizon.

To make matters worse, there wasn't only one battleship; no, the instant the first battleship started to enter view, we saw tens of more flags emerge from the horizon. I couldn't fully see the ships, but there must've been at least forty or so marine battleships chasing after us, and, as if things couldn't get any worse when the bow of the foremost battleship was finally viewable, there they were, standing side by side, three people with each one causing my instincts to blare at me to escape.

As I eyed those three people, just a mere glance from them made my entire body go stiff, though I wasn't scared; if anything, it was the opposite. I've never felt such a desire to fight against someone so powerful, but I also knew I'd end up dead without a doubt. Let alone dying, I was wholly confident we couldn't even escape anymore; now, we were merely living on borrowed time; it was only a matter of time until we ended up dying.

'Heh, unless.' Mused Diddy as he glanced at the ocean, which was getting more and more turbulent as time passed.

"Diddy, how fucked are we?" Asked Freyja with an ugly expression as she instantly transformed into her Satan's soul while standing beside Diddy, who was already wielding Naga-sa.

"We're on the level of 'I love you, Freyja', fucked." Replied Diddy with a ferocious grin as he lowered his stance, while Freyja's expression turned even grimmer.

"Heh, we're fucking dead this time; the only thing high than that is level, 'I love you, Diddy'." Remarked Freyja as she laced her elongated nails with inky black flames while lightning sporadically danced around Diddy.

"Hehe, if we ever reach that level of fucked, I'd off myself." Muttered Diddy with a grin, his words causing Freyja to chuckle surprisingly.

"Sebas, Mael, get ready; we've got enemies." Added Diddy as he kept his eyes locked on the three men standing at the front of the battleship while ready to instantly make a move if needed.

"Oh dear, this is far less ideal." Said Sebas, eyeing Blackbeard's ship before turning and glancing behind him, only to freeze while his expression turned grim.

"You're putting this situation lightly, Sebas, this is fucking terrible." Stated Mael with an ugly expression as he wielded his golden axe while wisps of plasma emitted from his entire body.

Just as I was about to say something, I saw the man wearing the mustard-colored clothes suddenly raise his hand, pointing it at me, and out of pure reflexes, not a single thought went through my mind as I instantly tilted my head to the side; I was moving on pure instinct, and reflexes. I wasn't even able to fully tilt my head all the way before a beam of light passed right where my head previously was, though I was still too slow as it scorched my cheek and burned half of my ear off.

Despite nearly killing me, the man seemed rather surprised before suddenly lowering his arm, which caused me to release a breath I didn't know I was holding. Touching my cheek, I felt nothing but a stinging sensation, and I couldn't help but be amazed at such a display of might and strength; I've encountered a few strong opponents during this pirate adventure, but never have I encountered someone so powerful.

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