Chapter 83: Freyja's Fight

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Tilting my head in confusion at his weird antics, I shook my head and powerfully flapped my wings, lunging straight at him with my elongated nails, which were more like claws, considering their thickness. Nearing him, I slashed down toward him, yet he was able to block it, seemingly without too much difficulty; seeing that, I wrapped his arm with my tail and pulled him down, knocking him off balance, which I then used as a chance to kick him in the abdomen, flinging him several meters in the distance.

"I'm no fighter, but when you've lived with that battle-junky maniac for several years, some things were bound to rub off onto me." Remarked Freyja with her dual voice as she glared at Mini in the distance, squinting once she realized her attack did minimal damage if any at all.

"That was a strong attack. I'll give you that, but you're out of your element. If that was all you had, just give up now; it'll save both of us time." Remarked Mini calmly as he patted his seemingly pristine stomach with no signs of harm whatsoever, causing Freyja to click her tongue in annoyance.

'I might've underestimated him; I'm really going to have to use all my strength for this battle; even then, I don't know if I'll win. Tch, dammit, seems like Diddy's off the table.' Mused Freyja with a frown as she glanced at Diddy and Lindbergh fighting in the distance before focusing on Mini before her, giving up the idea of ambushing Diddy.

Seeing Mini speedily approach me using the same skill Diddy uses, I set my forearms on fire and propelled my body forward with a mighty flap of my wings. Once we neared each other, we erupted into a furious battle, with punches and kicks flying everywhere, yet, despite having eaten a Devil Fruit, I still wasn't able to acquire the upper hand during our exchanges; every one of his attacks was devastating, and if it weren't for my robust body Satan Soul provides, I'd already have been defeated.

(Note: Her appearance is on Discord.)

'Ugh, even so, my bones are cracking underneath his every punch and kick; they are far stronger than they look.' Thought Freyja with an ugly expression as she crossed her arms and blocked Mini's punch, her arms feeling like she'd just received a full-strength attack from Diddy.

Thanks to the copious amount of vitality I keep in reserve for situations like this, I'm somewhat confident if it really comes down to it, I'll manage to wear him out, but If possible, I'd prefer not to be forced to use my reserves. It's taken thousands of people for my reserves to get to this level, and unless my life is genuinely in danger, I'm very reluctant to use large quantities of it.

Pushing Mini off me, I opened my palm toward him and launched several fireballs toward him, yet he punched through them with ease before charging right at me like an unstoppable force, something I'm used to, considering I've been forced to be Diddy's training dummy for years on end.

Grunting, I lunged toward him as well, knowing throughout my numerous fights with Diddy, I couldn't allow Mini to stay on the offensive for long, since otherwise I'd be quickly pushed into a corner with the only option to remain on the defense until I'm eventually defeated.

Coating my wings in fire, I flapped them once more, increasing my speed as I swiftly neared Mini, taking him by surprise as I grabbed his arms and violently kneed him in the chin before following up with a headbutt using my two horns. Although I had used every ounce of strength in those two attacks, he seemed to brush them off with minimal injuries as he kicked me in the stomach, causing me to cough and spit in pain.

Releasing my hold on his arms, I quickly flapped my wings, evading one of his punches, yet his assault was relentless, forcing me into the defensive while I waited for a chance to counter-attack.

'There!' Thought Freyja as she an opening in Mini's attacks, using that chance and kicking him in the side, flinging him several meters back, but other than that, he seemed relatively fine while Freyja had seen better days.

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