Chapter 2: Diddy D. Kong

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As I awoke from my sleep, I marveled at how rejuvenated I felt compared to yesterday; although I'm still tired, I didn't feel like I was on the verge of collapsing from lack of water, though I am a little hungry. Releasing a yawn, I flipped myself over onto my stomach and began crawling toward the nest of eggs, and while doing so, I was able to notice how much easier it was to move around, granted it was still difficult and somewhat slow; I had to consciously focus on manipulating my limbs, otherwise with my poor control, it would be nearly impossible to go in a specific direction.

'Speaking of limbs, now that I'm no longer in such a desperate situation, I think I can now focus on my body, which seems to be that of a newborn with how short my limbs are and how weak I am, not to mention I can hardly lift my head.' Thought the man or baby as he viewed his malnourished yet short arms.

However, learning that I no longer have my massive bulky body packed with muscles was alarming; what was even more concerning was that the parts of my body that I could view were nearly all covered with a dense amount of hair, and although I called it hair, it looked more like fur. While there are humans alive that have been born with a symptom that causes them to grow an enormous amount of hair on their bodies, none of them have a brown monkey tail attached to their tail-bone; not to mention, let alone a newborn, what human is capable of surviving roughly eight days without water?

'From my understanding, three days is the limit to how long a fully grown human can survive without water, and I did more than double that. Either I'm some genetically engineered superhuman with a huge amount of fur, or something I'd prefer wasn't the case; I'm no longer human.' Thought the baby as he released a sigh of frustration while slowly approaching the nest of tortoise eggs.

Although I stated those possibilities, I truthfully didn't believe either; in order for those to be true, I'd need to have my brain transferred into this new body, and that just isn't possible; an adults brain is simply too large to fit inside a body this small. Of course, I suppose it's possible that this child-like body isn't as small as I give it credit for, but I find that harder to believe, as that means the tortoise from yesterday was roughly the size of an elephant, which is frightening.

It's very well possible that, instead of having my brain transferred, my soul was rebirthed or reincarnated; however, I don't believe that either; it's slightly more appealing to me, as it sounds somewhat more believable, but not by much.

'But, for my soul to be rebirthed or reincarnated, that would mean I would've had to die first. Haa, surprisingly, that actually makes much more sense; with how many performance-enhancing drugs I was consuming, I'm not surprised I ended up dying; I most likely had a heart attack in my sleep.' Thought the baby as he once again sighed.

The dying part wasn't too big of a deal to me; the most frightening aspect of death was that no one knew what happened once you died; however, seeing how I'm currently alive, it seems like, as I believed, death isn't the end. Well, at least not for me, and I hope so for my family; though I'm not religious, I pray they end up in a better predicament than me; I almost died again.

'Alright, for now, let's just assume that I was rebirthed, reincarnated, or whatever it's called until I can find evidence that suggests otherwise. If that's the case, my goal is still the same as before: find food, water, and shelter.' Thought the child just as he finally arrived at the nest of eggs.

Having finally arrived at the nest of tortoise eggs, I reached down, and just when I was about to crack one of the eggs on my knee, I noticed both of my knees had fully healed; they were pretty bruised from yesterday as I had hit them repeatedly with several eggs, yet it looks like they've fully recovered.

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