Chapter 125: Fisher Tiger Incident

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"Hmm, what are you talking about Sebas?" Asked Diddy curiously as he holstered Naga-sa onto his back and looked at Sebas, who opened his mouth to explain, only to close it.

"I don't mind telling you, Captain, but could you please put on some clothes? I feel slightly uncomfortable speaking with you when your family jewels are swinging about freely." Stated Sebas with an uncomfortable expression, refraining from looking while pointing at Diddy's crotch; Freyja agreed as well.

"Yeah, are you a crazy or nudist Captain, Diddy? Make up your mind, 'cause I damn sure am not about to follow the orders of someone who is both." Said Freyja with a slight frown as she leaned against the ship's railing while glancing at Diddy's flaccid member.

"Tch, fine, whatever. I'll go and wear some clothes." Muttered Diddy with a grunt of annoyance as he stepped over the man's face; thankfully for him, he was unconscious; otherwise, he would've seen a frightening view.

Walking up the stairs to the upper deck, I approached my little sleeping area and grabbed the sack that holds my clothes, hanging over the ship's edge, only to grumble in annoyance as it was empty. Now, it shouldn't be empty since I always have a backup outfit, but after my fight with Lindbergh in Centaurea, they were damaged beyond repair, so I just threw them away and wore my only pair of backup clothes, which just so happened to get destroyed in the previous fight.

'Tch, I forget to get some extra clothes at both Chandelier City and the previous Island, fuck me; I'm going to have to borrow someone else's clothes until I get some of my own.' Thought Diddy with a frown as he threw his sack onto his hammock before turning around and walking back down the stairs, heading right for the Captain's quarters.

"What are you doing, Diddy?" Asked Freyja with a frown, eyeing Diddy as he barged right into her room, prompting her to quickly follow after him lest he ravages her room.

"I don't have any clothes; I need to borrow someone else's." Replied Diddy calmly, glancing at Freyja standing by her door while he opened her closet, rummaging through her numerous skimpy and sexy outfits.

"You've got no clothes, so you want to use mine!?" Exclaimed Freyja angrily as she glared at Diddy while aggressively walking toward him, only to stop and suddenly smirk, her anger vanishing.

"No, I don't want to use yours; your room was just the closest, so deal with it, or I'm taking this room back." Said Diddy with a click of his tongue as he closed the closet, finding nothing before opening the second closet and doing the same thing.

"Actually, go ahead, Diddy, take whatever clothes you want; you're the Captain, after all." Remarked Freyja with a grin as she approached Diddy, even going so far as to help him find an outfit.

Hearing Freyja sound so eager, I stopped what I was doing and momentarily eyed her as she grabbed an outfit and held it up to me before shaking her head and getting another one, repeating the process several times.

'I don't sense any danger, but I've got a bad feeling about this.' Thought Diddy, an intense frown when he saw Freyja grab what were essentially three strings tied together before holding it up to his body.

"Hmm, a little tight, but I'm sure you'd look fabulous in it." Muttered Freyja lightly, only for Diddy to stare blankly at her.

"Never mind, I'm good; I'll just go and borrow one of Scar's clothes; he should have plenty." Remarked Diddy as he turned around and exited Freyja's room without any hesitation, causing her to pout.

"If you don't like the strings, I've got some pasties you can use instead." Said Freyja quickly as she dropped the string clothes in her hand and rummaged through her closet before pulling out two pink heart-shaped pasties.

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