Chapter 39: Frenzy Pirate Trio

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"Heh, does his presence answer your question, Freyja?" Said Diddy with a smirk as he glanced between Freyja and Sebas, who seemed to be having a staring contest.

"Pleasure to make your acquaintance, Miss Freyja; although you seem to know me already, I'm Sebas Visage, former mafia leader and now the second mate of the Frenzy Pirates." Declared Sebas with an elegant posture as he neared the smiling Freyja before reaching down and grabbing her hand, only to lightly kiss the back of it, causing her to smile

"Ho, someone with some class; the pleasures all mine, Mr. Sebas, though since we will now be sailing together for who knows how long, you can just call me Freyja." Replied Freyja with an equally elegant smile as she retracted her hands while giving a courtesy bow, displaying her noble etiquette, slightly surprising Sebas.

"No need to be so surprised; just because our Captain is a crazy lunatic doesn't mean his crew will act the same; believe it or not, but I was actually a noble before I met Diddy." Added Freyja lightly with a slight frown as she glanced at the chuckling Diddy, watching their interaction.

"Hoho, my apologies; I shouldn't have judged a book by its cover; however, you may also just call me Sebas, or Visage, whichever one floats your boat." Said Sebas with a laugh as he straightened his posture and fixed his suit while Freyja chuckled at his subtle joke.

"Sebas is fine, though, for an older man, you've got quite a lot of vitality, so if you're ever feeling a little pent-up or stressed, just come see me; after all, I'm very experienced in comforting a man." Remarked Freyja seductively as she leaned in close, pressing her voluptuous breasts against Sebas's chest while whispering in his ears, though to her surprise, he looked utterly unphased.

"Hoho, I appreciate the offer Freyja; however, as an old man, I ain't as energetic as I used to be; I'll tire out within the first round. Besides, I'm sure you wouldn't wish to do it with an old man like me." Replied Sebas with light laughter as he politely declined Freyja's offer while being completely unbothered by her seductive antics, greatly surprising her.

"Hahaha; look at your face, Freyja; you look so stupid!" Mentioned Diddy while laughing as he pointed at Freyja's stupefied expression, which swiftly transformed into anger and confusion.

"Tch, stupid Captain; however, I'm curious; not once has a man been immune to my temptations, well, except for that monster, so how'd you do it?" Asked Freyja as she angrily glanced at the laughing DIddy before looking at Sebas with a face full of confusion.

"There is nothing special to it, Freyja; it's simply because my mind is powerful enough to suppress any sexual urges my body may feel. Mind over body, that's my belief." Replied Sebas with a cordial smile as he tapped his head while Freyja nodded in response.

"Hehe, anyways, since Sebas is now a part of my crew, you won't be devouring his vitality, and if I ever find out that you did, I'm throwing you in the ocean; the same goes for you, Sebas, since you can resist her, that means you agreed to have sex with her." Stated Diddy with a slight chuckle as he neared the two while eyeing them both, though Freyja was still irritated with his earlier comment.

"You're my Captain, not my Father; you don't get to decide who I can and can't sleep with." Said Freyja as he provocatively eyed Diddy, though that just prompted him to grin.

"I'm not your Father, but the Frenzy pirates have only one rule, might makes right, and since I'm stronger than you, I get to decide what the rules are, of course, that is unless you wish to challenge me, Freyja, though we both know how that'll end." Stated Diddy with a feral grin, displaying his fangs as he eyed Freyja, who unflinchingly looked back.

"Hmph, whatever." Replied Freyja with a huff of annoyance as she looked away, causing Diddy to calm down.

"Hehe, that's what I thought; anyways, the vitality you sense within him isn't his; most of it is mine that hadn't been used up when I transferred it over to him after nearly killing him. It should probably dissipate within a few days; one's body isn't capable of storing someone else's lifeforce for a prolonged period of time, well, except for you." Stated Diddy with a smirk as he patted Sebas's back, causing him to wince slightly in pain.

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