Chapter 146: Saint Xalrons Death!?

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"Alright, now everyone, get your spots." Ordered Diddy with a feral grin as he and everyone moved around, standing in their assigned spots.

Now, since I was the Captain, the one who was actually going to be killing the Celestial Dragon, if you could even call this fat fuck that, I was standing on his body, which I will admit, was very comfortable; it seemed his fat body wasn't completely useless. Despite my annoyance with Freyja, she was the Vice-captain, so although she wasn't standing on the Saint Xalrons's body like me, she was sitting on the edge of the bed, or more like laying in a sexy pose, which greatly accentuated her impeccable curves.

"Hmph, slap my butt again, Diddy, and I'll burn your hand off." Stated Freyja coldly with a huff as she squinted her eyes and glared at Diddy, who smirked while chuckling.

"Hehe, I have no intention of ever slapping your butt again, but just because you said that, I'm definitely going to do it." Said Diddy with a smirk while staring right at Freyja's large, pale-skinned butt, which had a softness comparable to a pillow.

Watching her grunt in annoyance before looking away, I ignored her and looked at Mael and Sebas, who flanked the sides of the bed, with Sebas on the right side, along with Scar and Trenza, while Mael was on the left side, Grand stood right beside him as well. Mael was resting his golden axe, which was covered in his plasma, on his shoulder, while Grand was shirtless, flexing his muscles. As a former muscle enthusiast, I was greatly impressed by how symmetrical his muscles were.

Sebas stood with the exact same pose as before, with his hands behind his back and a sagely appearance, while Scar took on a normal-looking pose; he stood in a fighting stance with his dagger in hand; however, Trenza, on the other hand, her pose was that of double O seven, with Sunaipu close to her face while pointing upwards toward the sky, and I had to be honest here too, she looked kind of cool.

Now, standing a few meters before us was Janet, who was holding her camera while pointing it at us, ready to take a picture, though I'm sure she's probably taken a few already.

"Now, on the count of 3, you will take the picture, Janet. Don't wait for me; just take the picture." Stated Diddy seriously as he glanced at Janet, who nodded and held the camera up to her face, ready to snap a picture of the infamous Frenzy Pirates.

Looking around one last time, ensuring everything was ready, I took a deep breath as I approached the head of the unconscious Celestial Dragon. I had thought about keeping him awake for all of this, but honestly, there was no point; he was just annoying, and given how pathetic he was, he'd probably start begging for his life or something, which would really kill the atmosphere.

'I've only been sailing for a little over three months, and I'm already about to do something that I don't think has ever been done before; I'm going to murder a Celestial Dragon! Hehe, just thinking about the waves of chaos I'll create from the death of someone so weak gets my blood pumping in excitement!' Thought Diddy with a large feral grin as he bared his nails before gently trailing them across Saint Xalron's neck, which was covered in a layer of fat.

"1." Said Diddy loudly as he made his hand as flat as possible while resting his deadly nails up against the Celestial Dragon's neck.

"2." Added Diddy loudly, and with one swift motion, he swiped his hand like a sword, slicing right through the layers of fat, decapitating Saint Xalrons and causing copious amounts of blood to spew forth.

"3." Declared Diddy with a savage grin as he grabbed the head of Saint Xalrons by his hair and held it up in the air just in time for Janet to take a picture, which was accompanied by a flash of light.

As much as I wanted to relish in the feeling of killing a Celestial Dragon, the instant the flash of Janet's camera vanished, I dropped the head in my hand and lunged forth, grabbing Janet into my arms and propelling the two of us toward our ship. Following right behind me was Mael, carrying Grand, Freyja holding both Scar and Trenza, while Sebas trailed right beside them. Tossing Janet onto the ship, I crashed into the stem of our boat, and without waiting for whether anyone else was in position, I kicked the air behind me as hard as I could, utilizing both soru and geppo, causing the ship to speedily glide across the water.

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