Chapter 120: Devil Fruit!?

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Walking through the forest of food, the five of us looked around the island while heading to the center, though other than the occasional giant beetles, there really wasn't anything of significance; of course, that's excluding all of the food that was growing. The beetles weren't the only creatures; there were tons of other animals; however, they were all massive, or more like super fat; most of the animals couldn't even move, while the ones that could weren't going far.

Honestly, while this place was a food heaven, it didn't really have much to offer; there weren't any exceptionally powerful beasts, nor was any of the food poisonous, other than the fact that they were delicious.

"Am I the only one who feels like everything is going a little bit too well?" Asked Scar with a raised eyebrow while observing his surroundings before glancing at Grand, who was currently in a wrestling match with a giant beetle the same size as him.

"Well, you might be right, but why not just use this chance to relax? We're pirates, so we don't have many chances just chill and enjoy ourselves, not to mention the food here is utterly delectable." Remarked Trenza with a slight smile as she grabbed a random fruit and ate it, causing her to release a soft moan from its heavenly taste.

"Y-Yeah, it's also a good place to test my might!" Stated Grand with a grin as he forced the beetle back before suddenly picking it up and slamming it on its back, dazing the beetle, which gave him enough time to do a finishing blow.

"Now, that was a challenge; these beetles are tough; not only are they strong, but also super durable. If you don't hit them in the soft spot between their head and carapace, your attacks hardly make a dent!" Added Grand with a victorious smile as he looked at his fallen foe before glancing at the rest of his crew, only to slightly freeze at the sight of Diddy effortlessly stabbing his hand through the carapace of an even larger beetle.

"Eh, they're decently strong but still weak when compared to a sea king." Remarked Diddy blandly as he retracted his arm from the inside of the beetle's body before flicking his hand, flinging the guts and blood off.

"Yeah, they're also not that resistant to heat. A hard carapace means nothing if you can't withstand a little fire." Said Freyja calmly while sitting on top of a smoking beetle, which was even bigger than the one Diddy had killed, causing Grand to sigh.

"Haa, a couple of monsters." Muttered Grand, feeling demoralized, as he shook his head and continued walking alongside his crew, heading towards the center of the flower island.

While walking toward the center, killing the occasional group of beetles we met along the way, I suddenly stopped as I felt my instincts blaring inside my mind, warning me of danger. Tensing my body, I reached behind me and grabbed Naga-sa while eyeing my surroundings, searching for the cause of why I sensed danger, yet even after a whole minute, nothing happened, causing me to frown intensely.

"Was it a false alarm, Captain?" Asked Trenza as she, Scar, Grand, and Freyja were also prepared for battle, doing so the moment they saw Diddy wield Naga-sa.

"No, it's impossible; Diddy's senses haven't ever been wrong. If he senses danger, then danger will surely arrive; besides, I'm also starting to feel something wrong." Remarked Freyja with a frown, eyeing the forest with her elongated nails, capable of slicing through iron, as she was ready for a battle.

Feeling something, I closed my eyes and deeply focused on whatever I was feeling, only to realize that the ground beneath my feet was trembling ever so slightly, causing me to frown, though as time passed, it grew in intensity.

"Freyja, you feel that?" Asked Diddy with furrowed brows as he glanced at Freyja, who was also frowning.

"The ground, it's shaking; an earthquake? No, what's the likelihood of that happening while we are on an Island?" Questioned Freyja while nodding her head as she and Diddy continued to observe.

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