Chapter 72: Finding Safety

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"Umm, are you sure, Captain? I don't doubt you can easily take care of this beast, but that's only when you're in full health, or at least not on death's door like you are right now." Said Trenza hesitantly while backing into a tree, blocking their escape path, causing Trenza to curse internally.

"Well, you don't have to listen to me, Trenza; I can just get rid of the jaguar after it's finished devouring your corpse, as I'm sure your small body won't be enough to satisfy him." Remarked Diddy mockingly, causing Trenza to stop hesitating and throw him on the ground before her.

"ARRGHHH! Fuck, you couldn't be any gentler!? I'm almost dead!" Exclaimed Diddy angrily as he felt his condition worsen, something that anyone would find hard to believe given his current state.

"The jaguar is right in front of us; I don't have time to be nicer. just hurry up and get rid of it!" Yelled Trenza slightly apologetically while pointing towards the jaguar, which was only a few feet away from Diddy.

Clicking my tongue, I ignored Trenza and looked up towards the jaguar, which was currently standing over me; the beast then looked down at me as it opened its jaws, allowing me to see its sharp teeth, which were more than capable of ripping through flesh. Though, maybe to Trenza, it was scary, but to me, this jaguar looked like your everyday house cat; even the wolves I've fought against in Karate Island were more frightening than this, not to mention much stronger.

With its maw wide open, it looked into my eyes, and when it did that, I squinted, doing the same thing I did against that Sea King that was trying to eat Trenza; although it was tough to perceive, I felt some invisible power, which felt slightly similar to the mysterious power Lindbergh and Mini used, emit from my body, causing the previously confident jaguar to be consumed with fear as it instantly closed its mouth and backed away while whimpering.

"Leave unless you wish to become my dinner." Said Diddy while staring dagger at the Jaguar, prompting it to lower its head in submission before turning around and fleeing while constantly whimpering in fear.

Watching the jaguar run off into the distance, I turned back and looked at Trenza, only to see her standing there like a fool as she looked in the direction where the jaguar ran off.

"Tch, are you just going to mindlessly stand there or what, Trenza? It's not like that jaguar is the only beast in the forest; we don't got all day." Stated Diddy while eyeing Trenza, snapping her out of her trance as she approached Diddy and picked him up one more.

"T-That was the same thing you did when facing the Sea King; at that time, I was too annoyed with you to care, but how did you do that?" Asked Trenza in astonishment as she struggled to carry Diddy for more than a minute without being forced to stop and catch her breath, her poor stamina coming back to bite her in the ass in the same spot Diddy did.

"I don't exactly know; all I know is if I focus intently on a person or living being in general, I can cause them to lose any desire to fight me. Though I've only tried this against weaklings that never stood a chance in defeating me in combat, I have a feeling it won't work on strong opponents, especially Freyja or Sebas." Replied Diddy while grunting in pain from being hoisted onto Trenza's shoulder, his face returning right in front of her butt.

"You don't know? How can you have a power you don't know about? That seems very weird to me." Questioned Trenza while leaning against a tree, the same tree the jaguar initially jumped from as she caught her breath before continuing deeper into the forest.

"For the record, this power of mine only awakened during my battle with Sebas, and secondly, it's not my main focus right now, though after fighting against Lindbergh and Mini, I've got an inkling of how to utilize it better." Said Diddy as he gently slapped her in the face with his tail, causing her face to constantly twitch in annoyance.

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