Chapter 20: Freyja The Succubus

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While devouring their vitality, I noticed my body had fully healed, yet even so, I didn't stop; I saw no reason to, especially considering there wasn't much vitality left; it would be a waste to stop now. However, as I consumed the remaining life from the men, although it was minuscule and hardly noticeable, I could feel myself get stronger; unfortunately, when I realized that, I just happened to consume all their vitality.

Opening my eyes and eyeing the man who was thrusting his member into my mouth in displeasure and anger, I noticed he no longer looked like what I remembered; his body was now a shriveled-up husk of his former self, the only thing about him that still looked normal was his member. Pushing the man off me in disgust, I looked at the other two men, only to realize they were also shriveled-up husks; standing up, I eyed the three dead men lying on the ground who were just energetically pounding me in confusion, but it didn't take long for me to figure it out.

'I had devoured all of their vitality, so, of course, they would die; however, why is their nether region completely fine?' Thought Freyja while glancing at their erect members, not knowing that her bodily fluids prevented men from going flaccid, no matter their condition.

It was my first time killing someone, and while there was a small part of me that was somewhat disgusted with my actions, it was easily suppressed by my desire to acquire the strength to enact my revenge; if I must kill people to succeed, I'll gladly do it, whether they are innocents or not won't change my decision.

Looking down at my body, I examined it, and as I had believed, I was fully healed, with not even a single blemish on my body; another thing to note was even after everything that happened, I didn't reek of semen, which slightly surprised me as they had ejaculated many, many times, yet I looked and smelled completely fine, not to mention, I felt terrific.

"I don't know what my abilities are after consuming that devil fruit, but if having sex will help me grow in strength, I'll happily do it; besides, I'm still not satisfied." Muttered Freyja solemnly with a hungry glint as she licked her lips before leaving the crime scene while searching for her next victims, which wouldn't be hard as she was still in the nude.



While sitting atop a three-story building in the middle of the night, searching for people, specifically martial artists, to kill so that I may relieve my boredom, I heard a group approaching the area, so with a slight smirk, I stood up and waited for them to near me before silently landing right behind them; just when I was about to kill them, they suddenly started talking about a conversation I found intriguing.

"Hey, have you heard the rumors about several dried-up men being found in remote alleyways?" Said one of the patrolling guards in interest.

"Dried-up men? No, I haven't heard about it; what is it?" Replied a different patrolling guard as he and two others looked at the first guard while the captain ignored them.

"It first started a few weeks ago, but apparently, if you go to a specific alley, it doesn't matter whether it's night or daytime, you'll find numerous shriveled-up men; yet the craziest thing about it is, the only part of their body left untouched is their erect wet crotch." Stated the guard seriously, his words causing the three men to gulp nervously.

"Erect wet crotch? Are you telling me they were killed while having sex?" Questioned one of the guards curiously though he was slightly skeptical.

"No, but you're not far off; one of my buddies has been assigned to the investigation team regarding the shriveled-up bodies, and apparently, their bodies aren't just killed normally; they are killed from having their vitality literally sucked out of them!" Declared the guard, though their conversation was interrupted.

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