Chapter 28: Frenzy Pirates First Battle

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"The marine reinforcements should've arrived at Karate Island by now; hehe, I wonder what their reaction was." Said Diddy with a viscous smirk while standing on the upper deck as he looked in the direction of Karate Island.

"Because of your stupid note, now they know where to find us; good job, Captain." Remarked Freyja with a frown, though Diddy merely laughed in response.

"Haha, that's the whole point, Freyja; It wouldn't be any fun otherwise!" Replied Diddy as he turned around and neared Freyja, who was at the helm, sitting in the captain's seat.

"Only you would call pissing off the marines, killing hundreds of people, and destroying an island, fun; I've always known you were a monster, but I didn't know you were also psychotic." Stated Freyja as she glanced at Diddy, who was laughing.

"Anyways, enough about the Marines for now, Karate island may have some connections with the WG, but that place was weak and unimportant, so most likely, even if they send some ships after us, it'll only consist of a bunch of weaklings, it'll take a few more destroyed islands before they start taking us somewhat seriously, though by then, I hope to already be in Paradise, or at least near the GrandLine." Said Diddy with a smirk while leaning against the captain's seat that Freyja occupied.

"So, how much longer until we arrive at Baterilla? It should be close." Added Diddy calmly as he folded his arms while looking out to sea, hoping to spot an island.

"I don't know exactly, but we are very close; any minute now, its silhouette should be appearing in the distance." Replied Freyja while looking at the map of South Blue.

"If we're that close, maybe I should just go on ahead? It's not like this ship is necessarily moving fast or anything; I could get there faster even if I swam." Muttered Diddy with a thoughtful expression, and just when he was about to jump into the air, Freyja aggressively grabbed his tail.

"Don't even think about it, Diddy; if you go by yourself, you'll kill everyone on the island, leaving me with no one to feast on." Said Freyja with an intense frown as she tightened her grip, causing Diddy to grin in response.

"Ho, aren't I the Captain, Freyja? Why should I have to listen to the words of a Vice-Captain, not to mention someone weaker than me!?" Questioned Diddy with a beastly grin as lightning arched around his tail, causing Freyja's palm to emit smoke, though she didn't once flinch.

"Tch, can't you just wait a few minutes? Is that so difficult for you? Besides, the Baterilla is right there." Asked Freyja while eyeing Diddy, not even bothering about her burning palm as she used her other hand to point forward.

Following Freyja's finger, I looked in the direction of where she was pointing, and lo and behold, I spotted the silhouette of an island quite far off in the distance; although I could just fly through the air while using geppo to get there quicker, it would only take a few more minutes to get there by ship.

"Hmph, well, aren't you lucky; however, it won't always be the same. As I said before, I'm not waiting for anyone; if you can't keep up with me, you'll get left behind." Said Diddy with a viscous grin while slightly baring his fangs as he forcefully swung his tail, escaping Freyja's grip.

"I already know that, don't need to tell me twice; but if you were to go ahead, I would've followed, which means the ship would've been abandoned with no one steering it; although we were quite close to the island, we are still out in the sea, I'd prefer if nothing happens to this ship; it was quite a tedious process to acquire." Replied Freyja lightly while blowing on her charred palm that was still emitting smoke.

I wanted to give a rebuttal, but I couldn't really deny her words either; I'd also prefer if nothing happened to the ship since while Freyja and I can both fly, well, it's technically running for me, it would be pretty exhausting to do so, not to mention we would only be able to take rests on islands or in the ocean, well not for Freyja, unless she wishes to drown. If waiting a few minutes can possibly prevent something bad from happening to this ship, I can wait a few minutes, granted it was a rather boring couple of minutes.

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