Chapter 27: 72 Bian

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"Freyja, this is utterly boring! Why didn't you tell me sailing the seas would be so dull! We hadn't encountered a single ship in the past three days!" Yelled Diddy angrily from his lying position while eyeing Freyja, who was currently operating the helm.

"What do you want me to say, Diddy? South Blue is massive; besides, we should reach Baterilla by tomorrow; you can release your boredom once we arrive." Replied Freyja with a twitch of her eye while glancing at Diddy lying in the middle of the deck.

"Tch, Baterilla isn't going to be that fun anyways; it's even smaller than Karate Island on the map." Said Diddy in annoyance.

"And whose fault is that? Who's the one that decided to head to Baterilla in the first place, Captain?" Remarked Freyja in frustration along with emphasis, causing Diddy to huff in annoyance.

"Hmph, whatever; I'm hungry; I'm going to hunt something." Stated Diddy as he stood up and grabbed his staff beside him before jumping overboard into the sea.

Submerging myself underwater, I used geppo as I powerfully kicked the water beneath my feet, causing me to propel myself through the water as if It didn't even exist; funnily enough, geppo is meant to be used in the sky, which is obviously above water, but since water is a liquid, it's much easier to use the technique while underwater, even with the additional restriction from being underwater.

While moving deeper into the sea, I spotted numerous aquatic lifeforms, such as fish, sharks, dolphins, whales, and whatever else you could possibly name; however, they were, of course, much large than their counterparts on Earth. There were a lot of options to choose from, but none of them interested me enough, so I continued diving even deeper into the sea, which resulted in my visibility lowering to the point where I was nearly in pitch blackness, though while it was a disadvantage, my other senses made up for my lack of sight.

'Now then, where are you, Sea Kings!?' Thought Diddy with a feral smile full of excitement as he searched through the ocean for prey.

With the sheer size of sea kings, it didn't take long to find one, although since it was pretty dark down here, I couldn't properly make out its features, but its body shape resembled that of an eel or snake. Shortly after I spotted the sea king, it also spotted me as it loudly roared, causing the surrounding water to tremble, before swiftly charging toward me, moving at speeds one wouldn't expect from creatures this big, though even in the face of such a monstrous beast, I wasn't the slightest bit perturbed.

'Hehe, c'mon you beast, I'm very curious to know how Sea King's taste!' Thought Diddy with an eager expression as he kicked off the water and approached the sea king, easily out speeding the beast.

As we swiftly neared one another, the beast opened its massive jaws, intending to swallow me in one gulp, though such a thing was easily dodged as I kicked myself to the right of the beast just before it snapped its maws closed. Now on the right side of sea king, just before its eye, which was at least four times my size, I brandished my staff before powerfully swinging it on top of its mouth, pushing the beast down several meters before it regained its bearings.

'Tch thought as much; none of my attacks will do much damage; the creature is just too fucking big.' Thought Diddy in annoyance as he propelled himself through the water while attacking the sea king's body all over.

Putting the staff in front of me, I blocked the beast's tail swipe before counter-attacking by slamming my staff onto its tail, pushing it back several meters; yet, although that attack was relatively strong, I might as well be stabbing the sea king with a needle, since it still looks rather lively even after injuring it numerous times.

'Annoying, I prefer using my staff to fight, but it's already been several minutes; I don't want to waste any more time-fighting something so weak.' Mused Diddy with a frown as he holstered Naga-sa onto his back.

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