Chapter 57: Hibernation Cut Short

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"Stay behind, Grand and I; you're not meant for the front lines, Trenza." Advised Scar as he retracted his dagger from the throat of a pirate, causing the man to choke on his blood before quickly dying.

"I know, you don't need to tell me twice; now go assist Grand, or he'll defeat everyone by himself." Replied Trenza as she backed away while shooting several pirates, killing most in just one shot.

Glancing at Grand, I saw him surrounded on all sides by tens of pirates, yet I wasn't the least bit worried about him; every punch of his laid a pirate out, while the unlucky ones were even sent overboard. His large frame isn't just for show, after all; he's got massive strength to back it up.

Just as I was about to lunge toward the group, someone intercepted me, causing me to frown since I could tell he was stronger than everyone else with one glance, though it wasn't enough for concern.

"As the Vice-Captain, don't think I'll allow you three to leave th-" Said the man as he hurriedly unsheathed his curved sword just in time to stop Scar from stabbing him in the stomach.

"This is a battle, no time for speaking." Said Scar with a serious gaze before spinning around and kicking the pirate in the chest, causing him to grunt in pain as he slid back a few meters, colliding with other pirates.

"Y-You bastard! How dare you interrupt a speech of the Bear pirates! I'll kill you and offer your head to our Captain!" Yelled the Vice-Captain angrily as he slashed toward Scar, who was already lunging toward him.

Bringing my dagger forward at an angle, I deflected the sword to the left before swiftly slicing him, and although I got him, he managed to back away before I did any real damage; I, at most, only caused a flesh wound, nothing that would inhibit his abilities, though it did serve to anger him, which only ended up helping me.

Keeping calm, I stood my ground while waiting for the man to approach me; once he was near, he started wantonly slashing at me in anger, seemingly trying to overwhelm me with his power and speed. However, his attacks were very predictable, so I was able to deflect each one easily, and slowly, I started walking forward while also pushing him back. Noticing a wooden plank not properly nailed to the ground, I carefully shifted my body as I intended for him to trip on it, but I also wanted to make sure he didn't get suspicious, although I highly doubted that would happen.

"Why. Don't. You. Die. Already!?" Exclaimed the Vice-Captain angrily while speaking with every attack of his sword, which Scar was easily deflecting.

Just as he was about to speak again, as I planned, he took a step back, only for his foot to get stuck on the extended plank for a second, resulting in him losing his balance and falling backward; that was all I needed as I switched my grip and slashed at him, causing a bloody gash to appear across his upper body.

"Ughh!" Grunted the Vice-Captain in pain as he clutched his chest, using his backward falling momentum to do a backflip and land a few meters away from Scar.

If this were just a normal battle, I would've used this opportunity to land another deadly blow, yet since this fight was mainly to display our capabilities, I allowed the man a few moments to regain his composure.

"Are you ready? Can this fight start again?" Questioned Scar as he slightly lowered his body and held his dagger close to his body while eyeing the bleeding man.

"I'll kill you!" Said the Vice-Captain in calm fury as he clutched his curved sword with both hands and charged toward an unphased Scar.

Sitting at the helm while overlooking the battle, I watched as Trenza killed pirates with incredible efficiency; not a single shot missed their target, though I would notice her frown whenever she was forced to use two bullets instead of one. Grand was being swarmed with pirates from all sides, yet most of their attacks hardly damaged him; from where I was sitting, even I was able to discern that they were only able to cause superficial wounds on his rather robust body; then again, that was only because Grand was allowing them too. While Grand wasn't as efficient as Trenza, he was just as fast, not to mention the speed of his punches was incredible despite his large muscular frame; they sounded like cannons every time his fist landed on the body of an unfortunate victim.

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