Chapter 64: Dock At Centaurea

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"So, what did you learn, Sebas? It better be something useful, or I'm going to do to you what I just did to Trenza!" Said Diddy as he smirked and pointed at the unresponsive Trenza while landing on the railing just before the helm, which Freyja was sitting at.

"Can you move? I can't properly steer the ship with a hairy beast blocking my view." Asked Freyja as her face twitched in annoyance, though Diddy promptly ignored her, causing her twitching to intensify.

"Well, Captain, I did acquire some information, but it seems like the person's status wasn't high enough to know everything as he held quite a lot of confusion and answers to his assigned duty. However, from what I could decipher, there seems to be a civil war happening on Centaurea, and it seems the fleet we just destroyed were reinforcements sent directly from Marineford to quell the war." Replied Sebas, explaining the situation on Centaurea to the best of his ability while Freyja and Diddy listened.

"Hmm, that's it? A civil war? Lame, I thought it would be something special; oh well, it should at least be somewhat fun; chaos and war go hand-in-hand." Remarked Diddy with a frown before shaking his head and smirking, already deciding to intervene in the civil war and cause even more chaos.

"Hold on, you fool of a Captain; doesn't this seem a little weird? They sent such a large fleet and two rear admirals to deal with a simple civil war. It sounds rather suspicious to me, and I'm no genius." Said Freyja lightly through furrowed brows, her words earning her a nod of agreeance from both Diddy and Sebas, though only one of them really cared.

"You had the same suspicion that the rear admiral had, and from what it seems like, while civil wars aren't considered very rare, it does happen from time to time; usually, though, they'll at most send a fleet half that size to quell the rebellion and restore order." Stated Sebas with a thoughtful expression while standing adjacent to Freyja as he looked out at sea.

"Heh, well, don't leave us hanging, Sebas; it seems like you've already come to a conclusion." Said Diddy with a slight grin while looking at Sebas, eliciting a chuckle from him.

"Hoho, you expect too much from this old man; I've at most concluded a theory. From what I gleaned from the marine's mind, I don't believe this to be a simple civil war on Centaurea; too many suspicious things without enough answers. The war had just started a few weeks ago, yet they're already sending such a massive fleet with two rear admirals who know next to nothing about what's really happening on Centaurea, not to mention a vice admiral is already present at the scene." Declared Sebas, causing Freyja to ponder about his words while Diddy merely grinned at the mention of a vice admiral.

"These are just a few perceptive details I could point out, and there are still many more; however, overall, I speculate this civil war is a ruse to hide the bigger picture at play, whatever that may be." Added Sebas as he looked at Freyja and Diddy, curious about their response.

"Well, I don't know as much as you regarding the subject at hand, but I'd believe you; having spent most of my life as a noble, I, myself, have been required to cover up many things that would otherwise give my family name a bad image or reputation among the masses, and I know for a fact we weren't the only nobles who did this. Granted, the things I covered up were rather small, and I could only imagine what a powerful organization like the Marines and WG have hidden from the public." Mentioned Freyja calmly while frowning as she nodded in agreement.

"Hehe, that's cool and all, but I could care less about what the Marines or WG are hiding from the public. All I know is that there is a vice admiral, and war is occurring at Centaurea; that's more than enough reason to go dock at Centaurea." Stated Diddy with a feral grin as he hopped off the railing and landed beside his hammock.

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