Chapter 21: History of Freyja & Diddy

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Once I returned home after talking with Freyja, I decided to take a quick nap until morning arrived, as it was only a few hours away.



Currently, I had just awoken from my slumber, and as I exited my bed, I heard a knock on my door, though the person didn't even wait for me to respond before opening the door and walking inside.

"It hasn't even been a month since you've eaten that devil fruit, yet your actions have become bolder." Remarked Diddy with a grin as he eyed Freyja, who was wearing her usual clothes as she entered the room while pushing a cart full of food.

She gave me a side glance before ignoring me and prepping the table with the numerous foods; seeing her act like that, I merely smirked before sitting down at the table while stuffing my face full of food. However, while I was eating, I noticed Freyja hadn't left and was standing beside the table as she constantly glanced at me, and if it were before, I would've ignored her entirely; however, now, I figured she deserved at least some of my attention.

"Heh, what's your deal, Freyja; I can tell you've been constantly looking at me ever since I started eating; just spit out whatever you have on your mind." Stated Diddy as he ate an entire chicken thigh, bone and all; you could hear the crunching of the bones as he chewed.

"Where and how did you come across the devil fruit? They are supposed to be legendary and very difficult to acquire." Asked Freyja calmly, no longer able to contain her curiosity.

"Hehe, luck, I suppose; when I discovered the devil fruit, I didn't know what they were, but it looked unique, so I decided to keep it, though funnily enough, the day I found that devil fruit was the same night I took over this house." Remarked Diddy with a smirk, his words causing Freyja to clench her fist in anger while killing intent started leaking from her body, though, after a few seconds, she calmed down and returned to normal.

"However, if you wish to know, I don't mind recounting the events. Here comes another Flashback!" Added Diddy while chuckling as he started retelling the story.



Blocking the older women's kick with my leg, I spun around to her backside, and while bringing my legs upward without giving her a chance to defend herself, I attacked her with her Dojo's signature martial art.

'Lightning Kicks!'

Kicking her back tens of times in mere seconds, I could feel how her bones would break and snap every time my foot collided against her back, causing me to smirk as I finally defeated her in battle. As I stopped attacking, you could see her bare back, which used to be concealed by her clothes, was now covered in bruises, reminding me of the moon's surface.

"Heh, It seems I still had a lot to learn." Muttered the old lady with twin buns just before she collapsed onto the ground, dying her dojo matt red in blood.

Seeing the woman fall to the ground, I gave her one last look, though my eyes mainly lingered on her massive thighs, before I exited the dojo, vanishing under the cover of night.

While walking through a dark alley, recounting my battle with the dojo Master, I happened to walk past a hobo that was holding some fruit in his hand, and just as I was about to continue walking, I suddenly inhaled a heavenly scent, causing me to stop in my tracks and focus on the hobo immediately, or more specifically the fruit in his hands.

Now that I got a better look at the fruit, I noticed that while its shape resembles that of a pear, that's the only normal thing about the fruit; its body contains these weird swirls, and it has three stems as if it was grown from three different trees or vines. Just as the Hobo was about to eat it, I swiftly snatched the fruit out of his hands while deeply inhaling the scent, which might've been the most tempting smell I've ever inhaled.

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