Chapter 49: Double The Frenzy!

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Once we took the photo, doing several on Freyja's request since she wished to get the best possible angle she could, when we finished, we exited the palace and walked down the streets of the city while heading back toward our ship, which I'd just now realized was being guarded by no one. Usually, I wouldn't be too worried since I would've killed everyone on the island, but clearly, I didn't this time; in fact, I'm rather confident there were still some marines hiding somewhere in the city, though I wasn't too bothered about them, I didn't have much desire to chase after a bunch of weak marines.

"I'm surprised you're just going to leave with this city still relatively intact, Diddy; other than killing the royal family, you hadn't done much to the Briss Kingdom." Remarked Freyja lightly while the four walked down the empty streets.

"For the record, the main reason I destroyed Karate Island and Baterilla is to make a name for our pirate group quickly, and unless the citizens of Briss Kingdom suddenly want to fight me, which I greatly encourage, I won't be wasting my time destroying this place. Besides, killing the royal family has already created enough chaos; now that a spot of power is empty, you think those nobles will just sit back and not do anything?" Stated Diddy with a smirk as he looked back at the destroyed castle, while the three were taken aback by his words.

"Ho, that's not a bad idea at all, Captain; with no King or Queen commanding the Briss Kingdom, many nobles will start to vie for that empty position, and if nothing is done, with a matter of a few weeks, a civil war will most likely erupt in Briss Kingdom, which will end up slowly destroying the kingdom." Said Sebas lightly while rubbing his beard as he instantly saw through Diddy's plan, causing him to chuckle.

"Heh, that's a rather good plan, something only an intelligent person could formulate; I wonder who created it? Was it Sebas?" Questioned Freyja with a mocking smirk as she eyed Diddy, causing Sebas to laugh while Janet suppressed her chuckle.

"Tch, I came up with it, Freyja; besides, if it weren't for Sebas explaining it, someone like you, who is all beauty, wouldn't have been able to understand the plan." Replied Diddy, smirking as he bared his fangs to the grinning Freyja while horns emerged from her forehead.

"That's real rich coming from a stupid beast such as yourself. Haven't you heard the phrase, pot calling the kettle black? Never mind, even if you've heard that before, you're too slow to grasp the meaning." Said Freyja, her words laced with killing intent, as she set her horns on fire while sparks of electricity emitted from Diddy's head.

"Hehe, what was that, Freyja!? I couldn't understand you since I'm such a stupid beast; how about you tell it to my face!" Yelled Diddy, killing intent lacing his every word as he slammed his head toward Freyja, who did the same, causing their foreheads to clash against each other, creating a small explosion of fire and electricity that engaged in battle.

"I said, you're nothing but a stupid beast!" Shouted Freyja with a grin as wings, nails, and a tail emerged from her body, increasing her strength and allowing her to push Diddy's lightning-clad head back.

"To think a woman whose only good quality is being used as a toilet is calling me a stupid beast!" Remarked Diddy, grinning as he used more strength, pushing Freyja's flaming-horned head back.

Just when I was about to beat the shit out of Freyja, I suddenly felt gravity disappear as Freyja, and I were lifted into the air, and it didn't take a genius to figure out who it was since there was only one person present who could do such a thing.

"Hoho, I apologize for interrupting your little lover's quarrel, but we still need to return to the ship and leave the island; if the two of you started fighting, I don't know how long it'll take before one of you emerge victorious, and by then reinforcements could've very well arrived by then." Stated Sebas with a soft chuckle as he looked at the irritated Freyja and annoyed Diddy floating in the air while Janet stood beside him.

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