Chapter 6: Chill Time

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While running through the forest with the corpse of a large white wolf, I opted not to be sneaky and decided to blitz through the inner area, at least until I reached the outer area, which was quite close as I hard lured the wolf a good distance. Again, it's not like I really had the option to be stealthy, not when I'm hauling a white wolf atop my back.

Though it was nice that the wolf's corpse acted somewhat as a deterrent to other beasts, I happened to encounter, and while I'm sure they would've realized the wolf was dead eventually, I didn't give them the chance as I just continued running. Luckily, no beasts attempted to attack me while traversing through the inner area, and when I finally arrived in the outer area, I slowed down from a sprint to a jog as I was pretty much in the clear, though my guard was still up, while my senses were still highly active.

I jogged for about another ten minutes until I finally reached my home on the beach, and while it wouldn't usually take me that long, I was injured and carrying a giant wolf, so it took some time. When I arrived before my makeshift home, I dropped the wolf's corpse on the sand, and just to be on the safe side, I climbed the rock formation and tried my best to conceal my presence while keeping my eyes locked on the forest I had just emerged from.

As I wasn't in the best condition, I wanted to make sure I wasn't being followed before I dropped my guard, since even though if push came to shove, I was still able to fight, it would just be quite dangerous for me, especially if the beast took me by surprise.

After waiting for another ten minutes and seeing nothing emerge from the forest, I finally released a sigh of relief and lowered my guard as I hopped off the top of the rock formation.

"Haa, now that I'm finally safe, let's eat; I'm hungry." Remarked Diddy with a smile while his stomach growled in agreement.

Approaching the wolf, I reached down and began skinning it using my nails; It wasn't my first time skinning an animal, as I've hunted numerous rabbits and deer before, so I have some experience, though it was my first time skinning a wolf, so I did make a few slight mistakes. Still, it's not like it mattered; it wasn't like I was planning to use it.

'Actually, that isn't a bad idea; how come I've never thought about that earlier? I could definitely wear some clothes. I've been running around in the nude for the past four years.' Thought Diddy as he looked down at his junk that was out in the open for all to see.

'The only problem now is that I don't know how to turn hide into leather; do I just let it dry in the sun? Haa, I don't know, so let's just go with that, and if it doesn't work, I can just hunt another wolf.' Thought Diddy as he shook his head before focusing back on skinning the wolf.

Once I had finished skinning the wolf, just like I had said, I laid the hide on a large rock with the inside facing the sky as that side was wet with blood, though since it was dusk, I'd have to wait until the morning anyways.

With the size of this wolf, I'd have to cut it into smaller pieces to properly cook it all the way through since even though I have a large bonfire which is big enough even to cook those large deer, I've learned the hard way that not all of it gets thoroughly cooked. Thankfully, it seems like whatever species I am, I can eat raw meat just fine without any adverse side effects, though it doesn't taste as good as cooked meat.

"Alrighty then, let's start with the hind legs first; they should have the most meat on them." Remarked Diddy as he entered his hut to grab a large stone knife.

Since I doubted I'd be able to cleanly cut through the wolf's bones with this stone knife, I decided to just cut all muscle, ligaments, and whatever else was attached from the leg to the body. Unsurprisingly, it was far more challenging to butcher a wolf than a deer; its muscles were denser than the deer's, not to mention there was much more muscle as well.

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