Chapter 116: Boredom Defeats Frenzy

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"Treasure Adam Wood? The fuck is that? A Band?" Remarked Diddy with a raised eyebrow as he looked at Sebas, who shook his head.

"No, it's a type of wood cut from the Treasure Tree Adam; it's incredibly rare, and just a piece big enough to make a small boat costs nearly a quarter of a billion Beri. However, from what I've heard, it's worth the cost; not only is its durability even more impressive than iron, it's lighter, granting the captain of such a ship a plethora of advantages compared to everyone else." Stated Sebas while tapping the ship's hull, his words garnering Diddy's interest.

"Ho, if what you said is true, this wood sounds quite nice; I wouldn't mind getting a ship built out of it. So, all-knowing Sebas, where can I find a Treasure Tree, Adam?" Asked Diddy with a grin as he folded his arms and leaned against the door, though when he saw Sebas shake his head, he frowned.

"I don't know, though the only feasible way to acquire Treasure Adam wood is to purchase it on the black market, and even then, it's infrequent to appear. I, myself, have had the privilege to attend many black market auctions; however, I've only ever seen it auctioned off once. So unless we're incredibly fortunate, I wouldn't bank on making a ship out of Treasure Adam wood." Said Sebas with a slight frown while rubbing his chin, his words causing Diddy to click his tongue in annoyance.

"Well, whatever. It's not like we need a new ship; this one is serving us just fine, well, except whenever Freyja gets angry and wantonly throws her fireballs around the place." Remarked Diddy with a slight frown as he shook his head and exited from Sebas's room.

"I'm leaving; do whatever you were doing before I arrived." Added Diddy, not even bothering to close the door behind him as he left Sebas while walking toward the kitchen to eat.

"Haa, our Captain sure lacks politeness." Muttered Sebas with a sigh as he waved his hand, closing the door while continuing to rest.

'It's been a few days since I've eaten; time to refill myself.' Mused Diddy as he opened the frigid and grabbed slabs of sea king meat before sitting down at the table and cooking them with his electricity.

"Ugh, that was good; with this, I should be good for 4-5 days." Said Diddy as he patted his extremely bloated stomach, though thanks to his recent training, he can now control his metabolism.

Speeding up my metabolism, I waited a few minutes and watched my bloated stomach slowly shrink itself until my defined six abs returned in all their glory, causing me to smile in delight. The training I've been doing is rather tedious and time-consuming, but even without the technique being complete, it has already shown massive benefits.

'Great, now I don't have to take a nap every time I eat; it saves so much time. Speaking of time, I might as well go and train; I've got nothing going on right now, and until the stupid log pose resets, I'm basically stuck here.' Thought Diddy as he stood up and did a little stretch before exiting the galley and heading upstairs, only to see Grand the only one present.

"Well, It's not like we're actually stuck here; if we really want to leave, we can just use the eternal log pose." Muttered Diddy as he passed Grand, walking to the upper deck and resting Naga-sa beside his hammock.

With Naga-sa properly stored, I leaped overboard into the ocean, not the island, and swam downwards for a considerably long time before I finally reached a distance where the water felt like it was crushing me, but it wasn't, a delicate balance if I will say so myself.

'Alright, let's begin the fun.' Mused Diddy as he started his daily training routine, though before he did, he did a slight warm-up consisting of various kicks and swift punches from all angles.

Currently, I was lying sprawled on the upper deck, bored out of my fucking mind; we'd been on this island for four days already, and we still hadn't left yet, much to my annoyance. While waiting for the stupid log pose to reset, I had Scar, Trenza, and Grand scour the island for supplies, gold, and maybe some weapons, and while they did manage to find some valuable supplies, it was nothing worthy to note about.

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