Chapter 1: Rebirth

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Waking up from a sleep that left me feeling like a newborn after an intense workout session, I opened my eyes, yet, instead of seeing the usual plain white ceiling in my apartment, I was greeted with the bright blue sky, causing me to quickly shut my eyes in pain while groaning.

'Ugh, what's going on? Why am I outside and not inside my apartment? I'm not in a dream, am I? No, that shouldn't be possible, I've experienced lucid dreams before, but that pain felt very real.' Thought the person as they slowly opened their eyes so that they may get accustomed to the sunlight.

After what felt like a decent amount of time, my eyes finally got accustomed to the outside, granted, I might be mistaken, but I'm sure it usually doesn't take me this long to get accustomed to the brightness of the outside.

Now that I could adequately use my eyes to see, I used my three available senses, sight, hearing, and smell, to observe my surroundings without needing to make any sudden movements; I'm outside in an unknown location, and who knows what type of animals may be lurking about. I may be a powerful man, but compared to a bear or a lion, I'm no different than your average adult male.

I was bound by something that prevented me from moving, so I couldn't view much other than the colorful blue sky with the occasional birds flying over and some palm trees in the distance. Speaking of palm trees, I could currently hear the ocean, and it sounded very close, not to mention I could vividly smell the salt in the air; given the clues I'd found, I assumed I was on a beach. While not the best scenario, it also isn't the worst; I live on the west side of Washington, and the nearest beach is a little less than an hour away by vehicle, so if I was to walk, it would only take me several hours, nothing I can't accomplish, it would just be tedious. Of course, this is all under the assumption that I was still in Washington.

"Habuleuhlhqbuy." Said the man using incomprehensible language; his own words surprised him.

"Huihfbiubiuehdxmk!?" Exclaimed the man, yet his words were again incoherent, just like before.

'What's going on!? Why can't I talk properly!? And why does my voice sound so high-pitched?' Pondered the man anxiously as he continued to speak, though each time he opened his mouth, only jumbled and unintelligent words were heard.



Several minutes later, I finally gave up on attempting to speak; while it was very alarming, as long as I could still think clearly, everything was manageable; it would just make future endeavors difficult. So having calmed down, I shifted my attention to other things, such as escaping whatever was currently binding my body, which I noticed was somewhat stretchy, so I instantly ruled out the possibility of breaking it through brute force. However, other than brute force, I had no idea how to escape, as my head was also bound; I couldn't lift it to view myself and possibly spot a weak point.

So without a good idea, I just wiggled around, hoping I could somehow escape; I knew it was quite a stupid plan, but as I said before, I didn't have many options. So for an incredibly long amount of time, I just wiggled as much as I could while bound, and to my utter surprise, although it took a very long time, I was slowly but surely unbinding myself.

'I'm astonished that such a stupid plan could actually bear fruit; still, it took an unreasonably long time; I'm tired, exhausted, hungry, and not to mention, it's already nighttime. If I continue with this plan, I may free myself, but who knows how long it'll take? I may very well die from starvation; no, I'd actually die from dehydration first.' Thought the man as he continued wiggling, though with much less intensity than when he first started while thinking of other possible ideas that might help him.

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