Big Hero 6 x Reader Oneshots

By talle2014

736K 20K 7.9K

Big Hero 6 is inviting you for an all new adventure! Join Hiro, Tadashi, Baymax, Honey Lemon, GoGo, Wasabi Fr... More

Slap Her
Sibling Day!
Botfighting Love
Locked In
Perfect Pair
Pictures of You, Pictures of Me
Invisible Kind of Hero (Minimoys Pt 1)
Minimoy Magic (Minimoys Pt 2)
Celebrations and Confessions (Minimoys Pt 3)
Dance Dream
Positive Point of View (Pt 2)
Heroes of Opposite
Big Brothers and Little Sisters
Love at First Sight
Take a bullet
Down Hill
Go For It
'True' Love
Those Three Words
Behind the Glasses
The Girl with the Glasses and The Boy with the Tooth Gap
Colour and Shades
Too Shy To Try
Tomorrow is Always a Day Away
Different Kind of Girl
I wish I Could Say or Do Something (Pt 1)
I Wish I Could Say or Do Something (Pt 2)
Mother's Day
The Niece and the Youtuber (Pt 1)
The Niece and the Youtuber (Pt 2)
Your Imperfects Make You Perfect
Disney On Ice (Pt 1)
Disney On Ice (Pt 2)
Disney On Ice (Pt 3)
Helping Out
Don't Wanna Think About Us
Anything For You
Be Careful For What You Wish For
Supernatural Person With Supernatural Problems (Pt 1)
Supernatural Person With Supernateral Problems (Pt 2)
Twin Trouble (Pt 1)
Twin Trouble (Pt 2)
Gamer Girl
Imagination VS Reality
A One Way Looking Glass
Sugar Rush (Pt 1)
Sugar Rush (Pt 2)
Sugar Rush (Pt 3)
Sugar Rush (Pt 4)
Honey Lemon
Sisters of the Others (Pt 1)
Sisters of the Others (Pt 2)
Forgetting For Fame (Pt 1)
Forgetting For Fame (Pt 2)
Forgetting For Fame (Pt 3)
Glass Wall (Pt 1)
Glass Wall (Pt 2)
Sister Like Brothers
Dum foar yoo
Robot? Robot.
Princess, Prince and Hero
Surprise Singer
Get the Grasp
Red Rose
DNA (Pt 1)
DNA (Pt 2)
Too Willing to Let Go
Prank Call
Island Girl (Pt 1)
Island Girl (Pt 2)
Island Girl (Pt 2)
Me, Myself and I
How to Make A Tadashi Do Your Bidding (Pt 1)
How To Make A Tadashi Do Your Bidding (Pt 2)
Death and Life
Our Normal High school
Dare for Dare
The Fictional World
Que Sera
Blind Love
Opposite (Pt 1)
Opposite (Pt 2)
Can't see, Can't speak, Can't here.
Tadashi Tries
100th Story!
Chop Chop!
Found a Friend
Issues (Pt 1)
Issues (Pt 2)
Issues (Pt 3)
Ice-cream Goes Drip Drip!
Prank Patrol (Pt 1)
Prank Patrol (Pt 2)
Like Mother Like Daughter (Pt 1)
Like Mother Like Daughter (Pt 2)
Honey Lemon's Unintentional Surprise
Baby Buddy
Growing Up
Accidents Happen
Hair Cut
Wanna Have Fun (Pt 1)
Wanna Have Fun (Pt 2)
Tell Me to My Face
Rewarding Prank
No Matter Where You Are
Pixie Dust
Love letters
Caught on Camera
Why Not?
Very Different
Book Of Answers
First last Time
For a Friend
The World and You
Mornings Be Like
Ups and Downs
Boyfriend or Friend?
Midnight Date
Him or Him
A Girl Like Me and A Boy Like You
Not The Same
Hiro the Matchmaker
Stress Reliever
Sing What Everyone Wants
How We Met
The Instruments
Big and Little Me
Baby Girl (Pt 1)
Baby Girl (Pt 2)
Voice Inside My Head
Exact On The Dot
Hiding the Truth
Bat Girl
Voices, Puberty and Confusion
Ya Think
Loners Know Everything
Cosplay Pt 1
Cosplay Pt 2
Shot me Down
Leap Years
Babysitting Fred
The Other Girl
Sing and Dance
Stop Me
Pewds, Smosh and Hiro
Damsel in Destress (Pt 1)
Damsel in Destress (Pt 2)
Youtube Video
Just a silly miscommunication
Not What it Looks Like
Fast and Stong
No Such Thing
Girl's Guy Bestfriend
Why do You Do That?
Not so GoGo
Our little secret
Maybe its You?
What a Waste
Artistic Type

Positive Point of View (Pt 1)

7K 176 113
By talle2014

Hiro's P.O.V

It gets annoying. Everywhere I go there are people specifically girls, chasing me. Yeah I get the point that I am
a famous superhero but can't I be left alone for one minute?

"Get a girlfriend then they will stop chasing you!" Honey Lemon said.

"Yeah but I don't want one!" I shout back angry.

"One day that will change." GoGo said.

"Pff highly doubt it." I said.

"Apparently a new girl is coming to the school today." Wasabi noted. That. Was It.

"AND NOW THATS ANOTHER PEESON WHO IS GOING TO FOLLOW ME!" I screamed and stormed off to my lab.

Honey Lemon's P.O.V

I really wanted to meet this girl even if she does follow Hiro around. Suddenly, a girl with (h/c) came into the room.

"Um... I am new here... Wow are you guys Big Hero 6?" The girl asked.

"Yep! Who are you?" I asked.

"I am (y/n)! Sorry to be a burden... I just wanted to know which way the bathroom is." She asked.

"Oh over there!" I say pointing to the room.

"Thanks!" She said.

"She doesn't seem like a person to be annoying." GoGo noted.

"I don't think she is." Fred agreed.

We all continued our work and never heard of her again for the rest of the week.

Hiro's P.O.V

I completely forgot about the new girl. I mean I was busy trying to run away from a group of fangirls who were about 4 years older than me!

I ran to the nerd lab where you needed a key to access. I knew they didn't have one so I ran in and slammed the door.

"You okay Hiro?" GoGo shouted.

"Why are you shouting?" I asked.

"Oh sorry..." She said pulling out earbuds.

"Where did you get those?" I asked

"Someone made them for me. That's besides the point though... Why were you running?" She asked.

"For the same reason I have been running for months." I reply sitting in a chair.

"Where are the others?" I asked.

"Helping the new girl." She replied. The back door opened and in came a girl with the gang.

"Oh crap... SEE YA!" I shouted and ran to the door.

"Hold up!" Fred yelled almost choking me as he grabbed my hoodie.

"Hi! You must be Hiro!" The girl said. I huff and roll my eyes.

"Yes I know... Now what do you want..."

"(Y/n). My name is (y/n) and I am sorry if I am a burden. I'll be in my lab guys... See you!" She shouted.

"What the actual heck?" I questioned.

"Yes... She notices when she is wanted or not." Wasabi said.

"Why didn't she try and attack me and kiss me like other girls do?" I asked confused.

"She isn't like other girls Hiro... If you spend time with her you will understand." Honey Lemon said as the others went back to their work.

(Y/n) P.O.V

I didn't mean to be a burden... Lots of people think I am but I don't care! I went into my lab and started to decorate it... Since I like building stuff in my spare time, this lab was kind of for partying.

I put my TV on the wall and the fridge. I installed the disco floor which was a little hard as I had to rip out some carpet and I added a party table. All that was left was the couch but I couldn't move that on my own.

I walked back to the lab to see Hiro sitting doing nothing. No one else was here so I walked up to him.

"Um excuse me Hiro." I said. He turned and started to back away from me.

"I just need a little help!" I said.

"With what?" He asked confused.

"Moving a couch?" I asked.

"What?" He asked.

"I just need help moving it from the lobby to outside my lab." I said walking out the building.

"Why do you need a couch anyway?" Hiro asked as we moved it to my lab door.

"Just some reasons." I say.

"Was it so you could get closer to me?" He demanded.

"W-what? No!" I stuttered.

"I don't believe you... You are probably one of those girls who will just try to get closer to me so they can date me!" He yelled. I was taken back.

"Hiro... That's not true-"

"Ugh! Stop lying!" He said.

"HIRO! I am not!" I start but then I heard a bunch of feet sounding like they were running.

"There he is!" A bunch of girls yelled.

"Great! Thanks! Do you even care about me!? I don't understand why of all people, you had to come." He yelled as he ran off.

"I wish you never came!" He shouted.

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