Down Hill

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(Y/n) P.O.V

Sometimes, life goes uphill. Everything goes slowly and it's a long and tiring trip but eventually you reach the top, only to meet a down hill. Everything goes by fast and easy and then it...


It stops and you don't look back at the journey you made, you just keep on going forward and never look back.

My boyfriend, Hiro, Hamada, cheated on me. It's not a thing that I am happy about. I walked into his room to see him and my best friend, making out on his bed.

I tip toed out and left the room. I blocked his number email, all contact I had with him and avoided him at all costs.

He may never know what he did but I know what he did and I won't forgive him.

Hiro's P.O.V

It's been three weeks and every time I tried to talk to (y/n), she would always run away. I desperately needed to talk with her, her best friend forced me to make out with her and I needed to get this weight off my chest before (y/n) found out and took it the wrong way.

I walked up to the instituted gate, to see Honey Lemon, arms crossed waiting for me.

"Honey Lemon! Have you seen (y/n)? I need to talk with her!" I pleaded.

"Pff. So you can what!? Dump her!? She has gone through enough pain already thanks to you!" She said and stormed off. I was confused. I did nothing to her!

"Honey Lemon... WAIT! Please!" I called. I ran up to the chemistry wiz and kicked her heel so her shoe got knocked off her foot and made her fall.

"WHAT IS IT NOW HIRO!? She stormed as she put her shoe back on and fixed her glasses.

"What did I do!? Please tell me." I begged.

"You CHEATED on her with her best friend! Don't play dumb with me!" She said and shoved me to the ground.

I was to late. (Y/n) took it the wrong way and now I couldn't get her back. Tears started to swell in my eyes and fall.

"Hiro... I am sorry... I didn't mean to hurt you that badly." Honey Lemon said helping me up.

"It's not that Honey Lemon... It's the fact that it's to late to explain and get y/n) back... That's why I wanted to talk to her." I said as I turned to leave. I felt a hand grab my wrist and pull me back.

"What do you mean Hiro? Are you saying that you wanted to tell (y/n) that you cheated on her?" She asked, bending down and looking into my eyes.

"NO! Her stupid friend came to my room with ought an invitation and forced me to make out with her! She came onto me!" I yelled and pulled away from Honey Lemon's grasp. I ran away to the park, ignoring her calls of protest.

(Y/n) P.O.V

I stayed in my lab crying. Why did I waste my time on him? Suddenly my door burst open.

"I DONT WANT TO TALK TO YOU HIRO - oh... Honey Lemon I'm sorry... I thought you were my stupid ex." I apologised.

Honey Lemon shook her head. "No (y/n), Hiro didn't cheat on you." She said.

"So who's side are you on now!?" I demanded.

"Both of you... He has been trying to talk to you about the situation all week... Give him a chance." Honey Lemon said.

"Where will I find him?" I demanded.

Hiro's P.O.V

I sat with my back against a thick tree. I heard the sound of feet stomping angrily towards me. I got up quickly to face whoever it was. I was shocked to see that it was (y/n).

"I'll give you ten minutes to tell me whatever it is you have been dying to say Hamada, time starts now." She said. I gulped.

"I know you saw your best friend and I make out but that's not what really happened! She forced me to make out with her! She came to me with ought my permission! I swear I would never cheat on you!" I said.

(Y/n) P.O.V

I froze. "So you didn't cheat on me?" I asked. He nodded his head furiously.

"I'll give you another chance then." I said. He broke into a smile and hugged me.

"I won't ruin this chance. I promise that. If I can promise anything, I promise that I will never waste this chance." He said tightening the hug.

Sometimes, life goes downhill. Everything goes by quickly and it's easy to forget what happens but eventually you reach the bottom, knowing that someone will push you back up. Everything goes slower but it's more...


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