Caught on Camera

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This is a request for KitKatImmortal hope u enjoy!

(Y/n) P.O.V

"So, what are you doing for your birthday?" I asked Hiro, my BFFTLEWE! In other words, my Best Friend for totally like ever withought exceptions!

"I might have a tiny party." He responded. I nodded and waved goodbye, we had reached my apartment and we separated ways.

Hiro smiled and walked off, the Lucky Cat Cafe not to far.

I smiled and walked up the stairs to my home to see my uncle, the one, the only, Markiplier!!!

Yes, I lived with my uncle... It's a sad short story, my parents passed away, done. I don't like talking about it so I won't say much.

Hiro absolutely loves Markiplier... He watches all his videos all the time.

Does Hiro know my uncle is his favourite youruber? No... But I was going to bring my uncle to introduce him to Hiro on his 15th birthday, which was in a couple of days.

I walked into my room as my uncle Mark, as I called him, entered.

"Wanna help make a video with me?" He asked. I lit up at the idea.

"HELL YES!" I screamed. Uncle Mark just laughed and lead me to his "Super Mega Secret Underground Game Cave." As I liked to call it. He showed me a range of games and I chose my favourite.

He started the video and began playing. It was a racing game and so far I was in the lead. "NO! I CAN'T LOSE TO A KID!" He yelled as I won the game.

"Take that uncle." I grinned. After the video, I decided to ask Uncle Mark if he could come over to Hiro's small party.

Once he said yes, I began jumping with joy.

Hiro's P.O.V

The next day, I started it off by watching Markiplier. I clicked the newest video and waited for it to load.

"Today we have a special guest, my niece (y/n)!" He announced. I paused the video and did a double take. He just said (y/n).

The camera moved to show her smiling wildly... That little!

Why did she never tell me?! My all time favourite youtuber was her freaking UNCLE?!

Anger filled me as I grabbed my phone, dialling that little traitors number.

(Y/n) P.O.V

My phone rang early in the morning, I saw the contact name show Hiro. He must have found a new Markiplier video to show me- wait... I was IN the last video... Which meant-

"Hello?" I asked.

"Why didn't you tell me?!" Hiro called.


"I can't believe you hid the fact that your uncle was Markiplier!" Hiro fumed.

"Hiro, please listen, tomorrow on your birthday-"

"No! I don't care! I can't believe you had a secret! I don't want you coming to my party tomorrow, stay out." He hung up the phone.

My heart literally cracked in two. My crush and BFFLTEWE hated me... Uncle Mark came to my room when he heard me shouting on the phone

"You okay?" He asked.

"Hiro got mad because he found out that your my uncle and I didn't tell him." I sniffed.

"Calm down... I have an idea." He smiled. He took me a hair salon to choose (f/c fav colour) hair dye.

We got the hair dressers to put it in and soon I was unrecognisable.

"We will get your lover back." He smiled.

"How did you-"

"You talk in your sleep." He informed.

The next day, he dragged me to the Lucky Cat Cafe.

"Hey Aunt Cass!" I whispered. She flipped her head around and saw us.

"What's going on?" She asked.

"It's a long story, this is my uncle Mark... Hiro is a fan of him... He's a youtuber called Markiplier... Yesterday Hiro got a little angry because I didn't tell him that he was my uncle." I explained.

"Wait (y/n)? Why is your hair dyed. (f/c)?" She asked.

"So Hiro won't recognise me." I said. She nodded.

"Cane we surprise Hiro?" I asked.

"Sure, he's in the back yard." She said.

I walked outside to see Hiro and the gang. "Who are you?" Hiro asked.

"Uh... I brought someone I wanted you to meet." I said as my uncle stepped forward.

"You're... Markiplier!" Hiro gasped.

"Wait... (Y/n)?" Hiro asked. I nodded.

"But... Our fight." He said.

"Still... I wanted you to meet him so... I'll go if you want." I offered as Hiro pulled me back.

"Thank you." He said, pulling me in for a kiss. Once we parted my eyes opened wide.

"Yes!" Honey Lemon squealed.

"I ship it!" My uncle exclaimed. I looked at him shocked.

I turned to face Hiro. "And uh... I really like you." He mumbled. I smiled and softly kissed his cheek.

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