What a Waste

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Hello! We are so close to 200 chapters for this story I can't wait!!! This is a request for alphaflower123 and I hope u enjoy!

Hiro P.O.V


Oh how I longed to be a part of it. To join my mother, father, brother and baymax.

What was my purpose?! Big Hero 6 existed no more as I lost Baymax in the portal to save Abigail.


It was a mistake to do that.


A stupid mistake to have committed.


My solution out of my mess. Simply die and leave someone to clean me up, clear my bloody pain and sorrow, remove traces of my difficulty with a single movement.

Like Japanese tradition, I removed my shoes as a sign to show my death was not accidental or murder but my choice.

I placed them at my feet as I pulled out the suicidal pills I had found. I was hidden in an alleyway where no one would notice me until I was long gone.

I opened the cap and tipped the bright titanium white pills into my palm, the last three.

I stared at them, my ticket to happiness.


That was my mistake.

A girl ran past me and knocked them out of my hands, crushing them with her shoes.

She didn't notice my angry face until she stared at me for a while.

"Why were you killing yourself?" She asked.

"My mother, brother, father and friend are dead! I have no purpose!" I said in anger.

"What a waste of life, none of those people who you love would want you to do that, others would be happy to take your life for their's. Yet you want to throw it away?" She said in disgust.

"Name someone who wants my life." I said miserably.

"I would, you are still looked after and have others to support you, you get food, water, shelter and love. You don't steal for supplies and you aren't hated by almost everyone you see." She said.

She sighed and ran off, dragging a bag which I hadn't noticed she was carrying before.

It made metallic clinking sounds, as if coins were rubbing against each other. Confused, I pulled my shoes back on and followed her, going deeper into the alleyways.

(Y/n) P.O.V

I couldn't believe that kid was killing himself.


That was what he was. A waste of life. Anyone of my friends would trade positions with him at any cost!

My friends and I were parent less, homeless and practically had nothing! No love or proper food and water! I had to venture out, stealing money for supplies everyday, praying to god that I didn't get caught.


That's all they have, if I were to go to jail, I would be away from them, they are only 10... They can't fend for themselves!

I walked towards our cardboard box home as I noticed the boy following me.

Maybe I could change his point of view on things.

I came towards five cardboard boxes that were poorly kept together, inside were three ragged blankets.

"Coco, Aiko, Miku... I brought back money." I said.

The three girls ran over to me and smiled happily.

"(Y/N)!" they cried in excitement. I dropped my rucksack down as they stared into space behind me.

"Who is that?" Miku asked in fear.

"What?" I asked, turning around to see the suicidal boy from before. I kind of forgot he was following me

"So, you followed me home." I said.

"You call this home? You don't have a home!" He protested.

"Easy for you to say!" Coco pouted.

"Yeah! You have clothes and love ones! We don't!" Aiko argued.

"And don't forget that you hate your life, weren't you trying to kill yourself?" I reminded him.

"Yeah but you crushed the pills." The boy responded.

"You tried killing yourself?! Wow... That's low, I would love to swap places with you." Miku said.

I shook my head. "If you truly wanted to commit suicide, you would have found another way after I crushed your pills, not follow me. You obviously still care about yourself for some reason or another." I pointed out.

"That's not true." The boy said.

"Well Fuzzball, here." I said, passing him a butcher knife I had stolen a while ago.

"My name is Hiro... What do I do with the knife?" Hiro asked.

"Stab yourself. Duh." I said as if it were obvious. He wouldn't do it, I knew he wouldn't.

He lifted the blade and examined it. He placed hit over his chest and for a minute I thought he would kill himself. However, he dropped it and it clattered to the floor.

"I guess you're right..." He said slowly.

"See? I told you. I'm always right." I smiled.

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