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(Y/n) P.O.V

'I ship Tadahoney!' I wrote down in the back of my maths book. I was sitting in my lab bored to death, whenever I was bored I tended to... Imagine.

One of my pass times were writing a bunch of ship names in the back of my maths book. I had ahundred crammed to the page.

"Tadahoney, Tomadashi, Gozilla, honeyzilla, wasalemon..." I could name a million more. Okay, the ones I just said were all my friends but I have hundreds from movies to like "Jelsa!"

Sighed as I looked at the empty spot on the book. It was a heart shape and I was saving it for the best ship I could think of to pair with my best friend, Hiro.

I had already written, "Hiro + ???" In the heart.

I walked out my lab, leaving my maths book unattended, no one is going to enter while I go to the bathroom.

I turned a corner and left the hallway.

Hiro's P.O.V

I decided to go hang out with (y/n) in her lab seeing as I was bored. I opened her door to see she wasn't there, probably doing something quick.

I sat on her desk chair and spun around on it until I was dizzy, that's when I noticed her maths book. It was the last page and it was filled with what I thought was... Ship names? That's when I noticed the heart with my name in it, she was trying to pair me with someone?

A smile tugged at my mouth as I found a notepad and began to write down some clues. I took her maths book and placed it in my lab after scattering the clues around her room.

I wrote in her maths book and left it spread out my desk with a note, I walked out of my lab and went home.

(Y/n) P.O.V

As soon as I got back from the bathroom I noticed two things, my door was open and my maths book was gone.

Instead was a note. I picked it up and read it. "Let's have a little book hunt! Read the clue and find your maths text book! Clue: Honey Lemon."

I re read the message three times, the clue was Honey Lemon... Maybe in Honey Lemon's lab? I quickly walked to her lab and sneaked in, looking around. Nothing was there except a chemistry text book.

I walked over to it and flipped through the pages until I came across another note.

"Clue: invisible sandwiches are a dream come true." I thought carefully, remembering someone mention an invisible sandwich before, sounds like something Fred would say- wait... It was Fred!

I quickly ran over to his mini hang out corner and searched for the next paper, I found it in between a pile of comics and carefully read it out loud.

"Turn this on and it will slice the next clue up."

Okay that was to easy, it had to be Wasabi's laser induced plasma. I walked over to his station and sure enough was the next clue.

"The devil." It read. I re read it before getting confused. "Wait... Devil... Daredevil that's GoGo!" I said, skipping over to her station, who knew treasure hunts could be so much fun?

I looked through her entire workspace before seeing a corner of the next clue sticking out from behind a wheel of GoGo's bike.

"Don't eat him, he will pop." It said. I frowned in confusion.

"Don't eat him, he will pop." I said again. I stared at the paper for a good 5 minutes before realising who they meant.

I walked towards Baymax's portable charger Hiro made. The robot has like twenty off them scattered though San Fransokyo.

I looked in the empty case to see a red note.

I picked it up and carefully unfolded it. "After reading this sentence, the first person who comes to your mind." I waited until a person came to my head.

"Hiro." I looked confused at the paper, how would they know who I said?

I decided to check Hiro's lab anyway and to my luck, I found my maths book on his desk... Open to my ship names page.

Immediately my cheeks went red with embarrassment. I walked back to my lab while reading the page he left it on, nothing was out of place, all the writing was there and there was an extra word added, wait, added?

I looked at the heart where I had written Hiro's name. Next to the '+' sign was something different, the three question marks had been rubbed out and replaced with a new word, so now it said a completely different message.

"I ship Hiro + (y/n)"

I stared at it, Hiro had a crush on me?!

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