Can't see, Can't speak, Can't here.

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(Y/n) P.O.V

There is that old saying that's goes, "Speak no evil, See no evil and Hear no evil. " Many people follow this rule thinking if they do, they are purely good.

I don't want to follow this rule but I basically have no choice. I am a kind off normal kid. When I mean kind of normal, I mean I was born normal... My life wasn't technically normal after though.

At age 5, I gained a disease and never spoke again, at 9, I lost my ability to hear and at 11, I lost my sight to Mother Nature. It's just one of those super rare conditions that don't even have a name.

Of course there was no solution to my condition, no I couldn't get glasses, automated voice box or hearing aids as they would do nothing but I had alternates.

When reading, I would use Braille. They were embossed dots on pieces of metal that I read with my fingertips.

When communicating, I would use a method called Braille Signing. However, I always felt that small bit useless at certain things.

My mother introduced me to Hiro. He was a cool person from what I know. He learnt Braille Signing especially for me. He even introduced me to his friends who also learnt it for me. Well, they were learning still.

"Let's go somewhere." Hiro 'told' me.

"Where?" I asked.

"Snowboarding." He said. It was currently snowing here on San Fransokyo and the hills were covered in white fluffy snow.

"Okay! Is the others coming to?" I asked.

"Yep." He said. He led me outside and to the park where I think everyone was.

I heard a thud when the board was laid on the ground. I felt Hiro pick me up and pace me on the board, sitting behind me.

I slowly felt the board get pushed and I felt the wind in my face. I quickly grabbed Hiro's hand.

"This is so fun!" I said.

"Glad you think so." He said as the board slowed down. He helped me up and picked the board up, leading me back up the hill seeing as I couldn't see.

We arrived up the hill and placed the board down for the others to have a go.

"The others are going to be back in a bit, they are entering a snowboard competition." He said. I nodded my head.

I sat down in the snow and thought for a bit. Hiro didn't leave me surprisingly. "Why aren't you going!" I asked.

"Because you will be alone." He said.

"Thanks." I smiled. Deep down I was angry with myself. Because of my condition, Hiro couldn't have fun with his friends.

Obviously he noticed my struggle because he asked me if I was okay.

"You are missing out on your fun because of me." I said.

"What?! I like hanging with you!" He defended.

"Yeah but you don't get to spend time with the others." I pointed out. Hiro stayed quiet for a while until he directed some else's hands to mine.

They were very warm compared to mine. "Hey (y/n), it's me, Honey Lemon... I'm not good with Braille Signing but I want to let you know that you shouldn't feel bad for yourself... You are a wonderful person to hang with and just cause you can't see, speak or hear, it doesn't mean you can't be like other girls." She said. I smiled.

"See? Honey Lemon doesn't think your annoying." Hiro said.

Hiro brought another pair of hands that also were female, GoGo.

"(Y/n), many people don't have the ability to speak Braille Signing and I think it's pretty cool! It's like your own secret language! Don't tell anyone I said this but I think your awesome and I wish you were my sister, you have many friends who care for you and I think Hiro might like you!" She said.

"Hiro might like me?" I asked.

"Yep! Anyways, back to Hiro." She said, removing her hands from mine.

"Fred also wants to say that you remind him of superheroes who uses morse code." Hiro said. I silently laughed.

"Tell him I say thank you." I said.

"Also, (y/n) don't think your a menace, you have actually grown to be one of my closest friends... Since I met you 7 years ago." He admitted. Although I couldn't see it, I could tell Hiro was blushing.

"Are you blushing?" I asked.

"Not as much as you!" He said. I felt my cheeks in surprise to feel that they were quite warm.

"Oh... Ha ha yeah..." I said.

"I'm blushing because of you." He admitted. I rested my hands on his.

"Same." I admitted.

"May I?" He asked. Before I asked 'what?' I felt lips on mine.

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