Not The Same

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Okay, before we start, I have two things to say, firstly, this is a request for TentaMedic And secondly, this is a different kind of one shot. It's still Big Hero 6 but it focuses a bit more on Professor Callahan, Alister Krie and (y/n). You will see what I mean! I hope you like this one!

(Y/n) P.O.V

"YOU. ARE. A. FAIL!!!" Alister Krei yelled, banging his fists against the table harshly. With each hit, I backed further and further away from the table.

"YOU ARE EXPELLED FROM THE KRIE TECH STUDIES SCHOOL!" He roared. My eyes widened in shock as I swallowed the large lump in my throat.

I had a hard time at this school, I was expected to invent a machine that revolutionise technology but had failed.

It wasn't even my fault! The machinery was faulty but Mr Krei wouldn't have a world of it.

I nodded my head as tears clogged my vision and blindly ran out of the office, bumping into someone.

I looked up and dried my tearful eyes to see an older man in his 60's. He had greyish hair and kind eyes.

"Oh I'm sorry." I mumbled. I was about to run off when the man held me back.

"Are you okay?" He asked gently.

"Yeah, I'm good... I have to go home now." I excused myself.

"Home? But school isn't over." He exclaimed. I stopped dead in my tracks.

"Well it is for me... I am expelled for failing to create an outstanding machine." I explained sourly.

The elder man looked at me with interest and deep though. "Well then! Why don't you job my campus! I'm Robert Callahan." He introduced, holding out a hand.

My eyes widened in shock. "Robert Callahan? As in THE Robert Callahan?!" I asked excitedly, was a famous scientist really offering me a place in his academy?!

"The one and only!" He beamed.

"Then sign me up please! When do I begin?!" I asked eagerly as Mr Krei stormed out of his office.

His face immediately froze and he saw me talking to Robert with a look of worry.

"Oh hello Alistair, (y/n) and I were having a lovely conversation about transferring her to my school." Robert exclaimed, causing Mr Krei to go beetroot red with anger.

"HOW DARE YOU STEAL MY STUDENT-" he was cut off by Robert.

"Technically she is neither yours nor mine as she was expelled from here." Robert pointed out.

"Exactly, and I'm free to do what I want!" I demanded. "I'll take the school offer Professor Callahan." I smirked.

"See you bright and early tomorrow then!" He called as I ran out of the building before Mr Krei could pin me down and force me to come back.

The next day I ran through the hallways of SFIT, only to bump into Professor Callahan again.

"Ah (y/n)! You came! Excellent! I hope you enjoy your time here and to help, my best student, Tadashi Hamada will take you on a tour." Professor Callahan smiled, introducing me to the teen.

The tour went by quite fast. I learnt that Tadashi had a brother called Hiro and a girlfriend called Honey Lemon to.

When I saw Professor Callahan at lunch time, I immediately ran up to him, ignoring the strange stares I was receiving from other kids and hugged him tightly.

"Um, what are you doing?" He asked me awkwardly.

"Saying thank you for letting me attend your school." I smiled. A bunch of kids started to "ooo" and "aw" at us because of how polite I was as I returned to my seat next to Tadashi Hamada.

"Where did you used to go before here?" Tadashi asked.

"Krei tech... It was awful." I said in disgust.

"Woah what? Really?" Tadashi asked.

"He kept saying I was a failure and not like the others, he said I should be expelled then kicked me out, I met Professor Callahan soon after and he offered me a place here."I beamed, looking at the Professor walk off.

"He's such a kind person for letting me." I said.

"I can agree." Tadashi said. We finished our lunch when Professor Callahan came towards us.

"May I speak with you?" He asks me.

"Sure!" I exclaimed, following him to his office.

"So, how do you find SFIT?" He asked.

"A lot more enjoyable than Krei Tech for sure." I grinned. "But why did you let me in?" I asked curious.

"I can see great potential in you, Alister just couldn't see it." The Professor smiled kindly.

"But I'm different." I pointed out.

"And that necessarily isn't a bad thing." He explained. I went quite for a while, thinking about what he said.

"Thank you Sir." I said, standing up and leaving.

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