The Niece and the Youtuber (Pt 2)

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(Y/n) P.O.V

I watched confused, why did he need to hurt himself so badly!?

I looked at my Uncle who whispered something into my ear."Aunt Cass has shown us some stuff the kid has done. It's amazing." He said.

"I don't see how hurting himself is amazing." I exclaimed.

"Hiro, just calm down." Aunt Marzia soothed. Hiro controlled his breathing and stopped hyperventilating.

"I'm good!" He called and sat on a chair.

"Nice to meet you!" Hiro called smiling. I don't think this guy would be mean, he seemed like a fan of PewDiePie.

"You to!" I smiled back.

"Hiro, why don't you show (y/n) the things you invent?" Aunt Marzia suggested.

"Aunt Cass told you?" He asked.

"Yes and I must say they are very impressive." Uncle Pewds commented.

"Thanks sir!" He called. My uncle laughed.

"Just call me PewDiePie." He said.

"S-sure!" Hiro stuttered. He led me upstairs while muttering something like, "I am with (y/n) and PewDiePie and Marzia, oh my gosh."

Eventually, we got up to his room and entered. "Hey! Wanna see Baymax?" He asked.

"Uh sure!" I exclaimed uncertainly.

"You know, I always wanted to try peanuts." He said, changing the subject.

"Then why don't eat them?" I asked confused.

"I have a mild allergy to them." He explained. "That's why I'm gonna do this." He said. He opened a cupboard in his desk and pulled out a pile of peanuts.

"Hiro, you said you have a mild allergy and we don't have an epipen on us." I pointed out. Was this boy crazy? He shrugged and ate one.

His face started to get red rashes as he called "ow" in a bored tone. I heard a beeping sound and turned to see a marshmallow robot thing waddled over.

"Hiro, you seem to be reacting to a mild allergy!" It stated and produced an epipen out of one of his chubby fingers. It jabbed Hiro and immediately his rashes started to decrease

"(Y/n), this is Baymax, Baymax this is (y/n)." Hiro introduced.

"Wow! A healthcare robot!? Sweet!" I called out.

"Your neurotransmitter levels indicate that you are happy and excited, this is due to something you have never seen before." Baymax notified me.

"That's because I have never seen an awesome robot like you before!" I squealed. He was so cute!

After a while we deactivated Baymax and played a game with my Uncle. Me and Hiro teamed up against him in super smash brothers and won.

"Good game mini bros." Uncle PewDiePie said as he ruffled our hair. We came out for dinner and ate the most face melting chicken wings I had ever tasted.

After that we changed into pyjamas and went to bed. Hiro told me about his dead brother and parents and I felt really sorry for him. How could a kid go through all that pain? Well, I went through it to but then and again I didn't lose my sibling after... To be honest I don't even have any siblings!

I woke up early the next morning to see Hiro's journal on his desk. I looked at Hiro and watched his chest rise and fall with every breath. I picked up the journal and read the first paragraph.

'(Y/n) is really pretty and nice. She doesn't boast about her famous family and is really selfless. I wish I could be more than friends with her even if we just met.' It read.

My heart skipped a beat. This kid already had feeling for me? I admit, I had feeling for him to but I didn't know how to tell him.

An idea formed in my mind and I grinned. I picked up a pen and wrote a few words in his journal.

I got changed and walked downstairs to play with Mochi, the cutest cat ever!

Hiro's P.O.V

As I woke up, I noticed my journal open. Shoot, I prayed she didn't read that.

I looked at the page to see small handwriting underneath the paragraph I wrote about (y/n). Oh man she saw!

I looked at the writing and my heart beat exploded.

'Hey Hiro, couldn't help but notice these super cute comments! I really appreciate it. Unfortunately I don't have the courage to speak to you in person so I decided to leave this message here! I really like you to and i don't mind being more than friends with you! Also good morning! - (y/n)'

I ran down the stairs to see (y/n) fast asleep on the living room couch with Mochi in her lap. All the adults were still asleep I guess.

I sat next to her and kissed her head. She stirred a little before mumbling out something.

"Love you Hiro." She whispered.

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