Best Jeanist x Reader: Afterwards

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Yes I know his name is Tsunagu Hakamata, but I thought more people would recognize the name Best Jeanist lol. For this oneshot I'm having it set two months after the battle with All For One. Enjoy!

Everything had happened so fast during that fateful day. Unbeknownst to you, Tsunagu had been gravely injured in his fight with All For One and was rushed to the hospital after the fight. Even though you were a pro hero too, you were out of town and nowhere near the Kamino Ward area. 

Plus you hadn't really been keeping up with the news because of work, so you were completely in the dark with the historical fight that was taking place. A doctor contacted you about Tsunagu's condition and you were going to remember what they said to you for the rest of your life.

"Are you Mrs. Hakamata?"

"Yes? Who is this?"

"I'm Mr. Hakamata's doctor here at Hosu City Hospital, he was transferred here from Kamino Ward with severe injuries to his stomach--"

"Wait...a-are you sure...he's my..."

"Yes...he's Best Jeanist right?"

"Y-Yes." you replied shakily. 

"Then I'm sorry, but it's him. He's in a stable condition now, and if you want to you can come to the hospital...we might need you to fill out some paperwork for him as his spouse but he won't be able to have visitors for about a week." The doctor explained calmly. You were frozen in shock, sick to your stomach as you truly processed what was happening. Your husband could've died and you wouldn't have even been there! "Ma'am? Are you still there?"

"Yes I am...I'll be there as soon as I can."


You hummed to yourself and willed that memory away for the time being. It has been a full two months since the fight with All For One and Tsunagu was still recovering slowly. In your eyes he was making amazing progress everyday but despite that you knew that it would be a long time before he could go back to being a pro.

One thing you were grateful for was that you were no longer engulfed in silence. During the first week of Tsunagu's recovery he could barely talk, and you were utterly devastated that you couldn't speak to your own husband. But now it seemed like things were going back to normal.

At least a little bit...

"Did you want more juice Tsunagu? Or maybe another book from home?" you asked your husband who was slowly walking from the bed to the window, seemingly lost in thought. "Tsunagu? Are you feeling you need something else?"

" I'm fine. I don't need anything..." he said, his voice trailing off. You raised an eyebrow, immediately recognizing what the problem was here. Tsunagu would rarely admit to having needs because he usually put your needs first, so you would have to read between the lines if he got into one of his moods. Like now.

"Are you sure?" you said sweetly, walking over to him and putting a gentle hand on his shoulder. "I can help you with anything." He tensed slightly when you started planting light kisses on his collarbone but he quickly relaxed into your gentle touch. "I love you so much." you whispered against his soft skin.

With one hand Tsunagu moved your chin so you were facing him and with his other hand he softly cupped your cheek. "I love you more than you know y/n." he said, his green eyes serious and bright. You leaned in for a kiss first, your lips melding with his perfectly. His hands moved to your waist so he could pull you closer to him. "Thank you," he mumbled, when the kiss was broken so you two could breathe. "for everything y/n."

"You don't have to thank me Tsunagu, I don't mind helping you recover at all. It's the least I can do...since I wasn't even there to help you...that day..." you said, a slight tremble in your voice.

Tsunagu seemed to to notice this and he chuckled softly while shaking his head. "No, I'm glad you weren't there. I don't know what I would have done if All For One had..." Tsunagu's face darkened as he became lost in thought again but you refused to lose him right now.

You cupped his face and pressed your lips together in a firm kiss. Your hands tangled in his neat blonde hair, messing it up for the time being. But he didn't seem to least that's what his little gasps of air and his roaming hands were saying to you.

"I'm just glad you're ok Tsu...I'm so glad."  

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