Sero Hanta x Reader: Teamwork

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Here is another oneshot for an underappreciated character! For this oneshot the reader will have a quirk that can freeze anything within a 20-50 meter radius of them. The more ice is created, the more severely fatigued you'll get. This is set after Sero and the reader become pro heroes and they work at the same agency together. Enjoy!

"So here's the eyewitness reports of the villain that attacked an uptown bank yesterday afternoon. And here's the police sketch. Look familiar?" your supervisor asked you all, while everyone seated at the large table looked over the paperwork. He was a straightforward pro hero, with an intimidating quirk, of reading minds.

You gasped and nudged Sero who was sitting next to you. "Yeah, this looks like the same person who held up a bank a year ago. He got away clean, no pro hero could ever find him."

"He definitely bares a striking resemblance to that same villain. Whether they are the same person or not is still up in the air." your supervisor responded, and you nodded in agreement. "Plus since he's not in the police system, we couldn't match the sketch with anyone." he continued. Sero scratched is head, still looking over the paperwork seriously.

"Y/n, Sero...I want you two on this case. Look into it, find out what you can, and do your jobs well. Meeting dismissed."

Everyone simoltaneously got up, and walked out of the large, bright conference room eager to get back to their exciting jobs. Meetings were always a drag, and you usually came out of them with more work than before.

"Hey y/n, let's do our best to get this guy. Whaddya' say?" Sero said, as you two got up out of the uncomfortable office chairs. You smiled kissed his cheek quickly, feeling the heat of joy travel to your face.

"Yeah! Let's get this guy babe."


1 week later

Researching the villain took a while, and you and Sero had to dig through countless paper files that were at the agency. You both worked in your office, separating the files from oldest to most recent in different piles (that were starting to resemble mountains). The hours passed by slowly as you two diligently worked.

This is impossible...even All Might didn't catch this guy. If it's even the same guy, you thought as you looked through another report that the bank put out yesterday. The villains quirk was unknown, no family members had stepped forward, and there was no DNA left at the crime scenes. He might as well not exist.

"Sero I finished looking through this pile."

Sero grunted in response, and rubbed his eyes in frustration. "It's like we're back at the beginning! There's nothing new here, it's all the same info!" he complained, his usually large smile fading away quickly. You frowned and tried to think of something positive to say about the crappy situation.

"Well, we might not know anything new right now...but that doesn't mean we won't discover something soon." you said walking out from behind your desk to where he was sitting. You caressed his cheek with your hand and looked down at him lovingly. He gazed at you and began to laugh.

"Yeah I guess that's one way to look at it y/n." he said reaching up and giving you a chaste kiss on the lips, before getting up from his chair. "It's getting late, I'll go get us some food. I guess this'll be an all-nighter huh."

"Yeah, it will..."


One day later

It was patrol day for you and Sero, which gave you both a much needed break from all of the files and questioning. It turns out your positive attitude could only last so long. Sero had gotten more irritable as the days passed too, even when you two went out and interviewed witnesses.

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