Mirio Togata x Reader: Power!

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Nice request for Mirio and the reader being pro heroes together, but I decided to make him quirkless...I mean spoiler alert but that's how it is in canon right now so I went with that. For this oneshot the reader's quirk will be the ability to control people's eyesight. Enjoy!

"Are you ready?"

"Ready as I'll ever be y/n."

You glared at the man before you, making him shift slightly in his place on the floor. "You know there's no going back. You'll have to face the consequences of your choices like a man."

"I know, I'm prepared." Togata said with determination in his dark blue eyes. You nodded seriously and he grinned. "I'm...going to build a hotel right here!!" He shouted, slamming his game piece on the board but in the process he knocked off all of the other pieces. The pieces went flying and you groaned. This was Togata's first time playing Monopoly and he was winning completely even though he didn't know the rules at all!

You sighed and tried your best to pick up the many scattered pieces. "Damn it. I'm really gonna lose this one huh?"

"I guess, but it's ok sweetie. Tomorrow's a new day." Togata said with his trademark grin on his face. He leaned over and gave your cheek a quick peck. He knew exactly how to make sure you wouldn't be mad at him, it was ridiculous! 

You grumbled under your breath but before you could fully retort back at him your phone began to ring. It was the hero alert hotline that notified you of any villain activity in your area, and there were a few alerts showing up now.

"Mirio, we gotta go. There are a lot of things going down." you said, already getting off the floor to grab your coat off the coat-rack.

He shot up from the floor, his smile widening at the prospect of getting to battle some villains. "Alright y/n! Let's see what's what!" Togata exclaimed, before going into the bedroom to quickly change into his hero costume.

Going on hero missions was still commonplace between you two even though Togata was still quirkless. He still had his hero license, so of course he was going to help people any way he could. That's just who he is.

He emerged from the bedroom, his brightly colored costume was a familiar sight for you and you felt yourself begin to smile to yourself.

Mirio and I can still be a hero team! We can still save people with our combined power! 


You two hurried to the closest location that the alert had shown you and you were met with what looked like a robbery. Just as you two ran up to the bank that had its alarms blaring, three villains flew out the front doors and tried to make a break for it.

"Damn it! Mirio get them!" you shouted, activating your quirk and pointing your fingers at your targets. All of them fell to the ground as their eyesight became extremely blurry and finally you blinded them completely. Of course your quirk had a time limit so Togata had to disarm them in two minutes or less until they regained their sight.

"What the hell kind of quirk is this!?" one of the villains cried out, but Togata expertly tackled him and restrained him with some capturing tape (a gift from Aizawa). This shut him up quickly.

"It doesn't matter what kind of quirk I have, what matters is that you're going to jail for a long time." you stated. Togata smiled at you, before saying that you two should head to the next location. "You're right, we should hurry...the police can take this from here I guess." you said, and with that you two were off and running down the street.

The cold air nipped at your cheeks as you ran, but the adrenaline pumping through your veins cancelled out your coldness. 

Togata ran ahead of you and you laughed under your breath about how he could still outrun you easily even with all of your extra physical training. But you didn't really mind. 

The view wasn't half bad after all.

"Y/n, this is it. I think it's turned into a hostage situation now!" Togata said, his smile turning a bit strained as he processed what he was seeing. You looked around at the police and pro heroes surrounding one building and it seemed like he was right.

"Oh no, if I can't see the villains I'm at a complete disadvantage." you said. "W-We should just go somewhere else Mirio...maybe there's another way we--"

Togata clicked his tongue, before shouting your name. Your wide eyes connected with his, and he looked at you seriously. "We're going to do this, and it's going to be fine. Do you trust me?" His intense gaze didn't falter, and you found yourself becoming more calm.

As a pro hero, you had to always to what you could in a dangerous situation! "Of course I do. I always have." you replied with a grin. He nodded and pointed to the building.

"We're going to sneak in through the back, and make a pathway for the other heroes to get in from the opposite side. We'll just buy everyone some time and distract the villains so they'll be cornered." He explained, his eyes searching your face in case you had any questions. 

You nodded your head in understanding. "Alright let's tell the others." you said. Togata smiled and began to turn around to inform the other pros. "W-Wait Mirio!"

He stopped to look at you, and you could feel your heart beat faster. "What is it?" He asked you.

"I love you." you said, gazing at Togata fondly. His eyes crinkled at the corners as his face broke into a larger than life smile. It made you feel like you were looking at the sun itself, but it wasn't going to burn you. No, it would never burn you.

"Love you too y/n. No matter what happens." He said, determination shining through in his eyes. "Now...let's go do our best!"



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