Tenya Iida x Reader: Grateful Knight (Medieval Au)

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Request for Iida as a knight that falls for a princess of a northern land. I made this from Iida's point of view so I hope that's alright. Enjoy!

Iida breathed out in small huffs and frowned when he saw his breath in the air. It was too cold already. He needed to find shelter soon or else he might not make it through the night. He adjusted the large sword on his back and he kept trudging down the snowy mountain.

He had been assigned to investigate strange disappearances that had been happening around the northern border but damn this landscape was treacherous. He nearly died coming here on horseback because the snow was too deep, so he had to leave his horse in a nearby village and walk from there.

And all in full knight armor no less! This was not turning out how Iida wanted, that was for sure.

Iida walked slowly, wanting to be extra careful and he took a step on a stone that looked like it didn't have any ice on it. He was wrong.

He slipped and fell, sliding down the mountain on the snow like he was a sled. "Agh!" Iida unsheathed his sword and stabbed it into the ground to stop his descent, but he had already almost fallen to the bottom. "Damn! Damn it all!" He shouted, his voice breaking the silence of winter.

Until another light voice spoke up. "That's no way for a knight to speak." They said.

A woman? Why is a woman out here in the wilderness by herself...unless she's crazy!

Iida quickly got up from the snowy ground and decided to talk to this woman. Perhaps she could help him...even if she might be crazy. "I-I apologize miss...but it has been a rough day for me. My traveling has been terrible, these lands are harsh." Iida said. She laughed, a light sound, and he heard some movement behind a pine tree.

She stepped out from her hiding place behind the tree, but most of her face was covered by a dark red cloth mask. Her large fur coat billowed out when she walked towards him and he was captivated by the way she carried herself. It was so graceful. "Would you like a place to stay for the night. Iida of the West?"

Iida's dark eyes widened. "Wait h-how do you know who I am?"

"You're a famous knight and we heard you were coming here to investigate some...incidents. My mother was the one who sent for you after all, so I definitely know who you are." She said, chuckling nervously. "It's an honor, Iida."

Iida paused for a moment, lost in thought. So if her mom sent for him that means that she's the princess, since the Queen of the North had sent for him! Iida immediately took off his metal helmet and bowed down on one knee in front of the princess. "Please forgive my rudeness, your highness! I was not aware we would cross paths out here, I...I need to accompany you back home."

"Ah, but I already invited you home Iida." She replied.

"Oh right! My apologies!" Iida said, still bowing his head down. 

"Don't worry about it the winter castle is not a far walk from here. You may stop bowing now, it's not necessary."

Iida rose, nearly towering over the princess with his large stature. He put his sword back and put his helmet back on. "It's how I was taught to greet royalty your highness," He said with a polite smile. She was silent after he said that and she motioned for him to follow her. The pair set off on their walk to the castle, Iida nearly fell multiple times on the way but the princess helped him through it without complaining.

When they approached the large grey castle, Iida was struck by how gothic and gloomy it looked. Compared to the white snow that surrounded it, there was something off-putting about the clean grey stone that the castle was made of and the large gargoyle statues sitting by the front gate.

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