Aizawa Shouta x Reader: Present

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I was supposed to publish this on his birthday but oh well. Happy belated birthday hobo man! This is less of an x reader...I mean it's more him interacting with 1-A. Enjoy!

"I don't want anyone making a big deal about my birthday." Aizawa declared when you two were both getting ready to go to work for the day. He finally spent the night at home after a few days of staying at the U.A. dorms, and it was just in time for his birthday too. You tried to contain a little laugh and kept on brushing your teeth. "You don't think my students are planning anything for me do you?"

Patience y/n, you've kept this whole thing a secret this long you can't give up now!

"No I don't think so, they know you don't like to mess around." You replied once you were done brushing. "I'm sure it'll just be a normal day."

"Hm, sounds relaxing." He said, walking into the bathroom to grab a hair tie from the counter. You ruffled his hair a little bit and gave his stubbled cheeks a kiss.

"Happy birthday Shouta. You deserve a relaxing day."

And that's exactly what you are going to get!


Five days earlier

Iida and Yaoyorozu were the first students to approach you about Aizawa's birthday. Since they were the class representatives it made sense to you why they brought it up. They called you up and asked what you thought Aizawa's perfect birthday would look like.

"How'd you two get my number? And how'd you even know it was his birthday? I thought Shouta was pretty secretive about his private life." You asked the students.

"We asked Present Mic and he gladly gave us the information," Yaoyorozu explained, "because it is for a good cause. After everything he has done for us as our teacher, giving him a birthday celebration is the least we can do."

You smiled at what she said, and you were glad that they wanted to repay him for all of his hard work. He had nearly given you multiple heart attacks when he put his life on the line for his students, it was wonderful that they were this nice to him. 

You hummed, thinking carefully about your response to the eager kids. "Well, I honestly think he might not like a full-on celebration. I know this might sound weird but I think he'd like getting just a few presents and then sleeping. He really likes cats, that's the hint I'm going to give you. But I don't know if there's a way to get a bed at U.A. and put it in the teacher's lounge or the dorms?"

You heard the two of them mumbling together like they were already formulating a plan. "I can create a bed and things with my quirk! That should work." Yaoyorozu exclaimed, making you smile a bit.

"Agreed." Iida stated. "Thank you y/n for your help with this matter."

"No problem. Oh make sure to record his reaction for me though, I'd really love to see it for myself." You said with a grin.

The students agreed to that and Aizawa's birthday plan was officially in the works!


Aizawa's Birthday

Aizawa was a simple guy. He did not want all of the ruckus that most birthdays brought upon him. Large parties were a big no no. But ever  since he had met y/n, he had spent his birthdays in wonderful quiet. They knew just how to soothe him, but this birthday was different. 

He would usually take one day off a year, on his birthday, but he was not doing that this year. Because of how tender the situation at U.A. was, he made sure he was going to be there everyday this year, no exceptions.

I'll spend time with y/n later, for now I just have to get through the day, Aizawa thought to himself when the huge U.A. building came into view. If he could just get through the day...

"Mr. Aizawa! Happy birthday!!"

Multiple sing-song voices cried out, and his droopy eyes widened into round saucers as the entirety of class 1-A jumped out of the bushes with smiles on their faces (well not all of them were smiling). They all looked so lively despite how early it was. Even Tokoyami and Bakugou (the two students who frowned the most) looked less aggravated than usual.

Iida and Yaoyorozu approached him with tentative eyes. "A little something from the entire class. Thank you for being our teacher." Yaoyorozu said, bowing a little when she handed him a medium sized box.

Is this my gift?

Attached to it was a card signed by everyone in the class and Aizawa sighed. "Looks very nice."

He carefully unwrapped the box and began to laugh when he saw what it was. It was a nicely made white cup with a cat's face on the front of it. There were even raised points on the sides of it that made cat ears. Aizawa was not usually one for gifts...but this one made his heart soar with joy.

"Thank you all for this, I really appreciate did you guys know that I liked cats though?" He asked his students. Iida shifted in his place like he was nervous.

"Well we called y/n...and asked them what you might like. Sorry if that was out of line."

Aizawa blinked in surprise when he heard that but it did not bother him that they talked to you. He had gotten a great mug out of it, so it was all good. "It's fine, thank you for planning this."

"Well this isn't the only thing we planned, our next gift is in the dorms!" Kirishima said with a grin.

Aizawa gave the class a tired smile. "Isn't this taking away from our class time?"

"Trust us, you'll really like this gift. Maybe even more than the cup." Iida said, and Aizawa complied. He followed the kids to the dorms, wracking his brain the entire way. What else had they planned and how could it be better than a cat-themed present?

Well out of all the things he thought of, he never imagined it would be a king size bed right in the middle of the dorm building. It also had some of the softest looking blankets in the world. "Wow." Was the only word that escaped his lips before he walked up to it.

"Present Mic offered to teach us for homeroom, so this is all yours for an all day nap!" Midoriya told him, but the only word Aizawa heard was nap.

"Happy birthday Mr. Aizawa!" The class exclaimed before they all left him in the dorms with the lights off.

This has y/n written all over it! Oh jeez I already feel sleepy.

He took off his black boots and dove under the warm blankets, his eyes already closing involuntarily. "This isn't such a bad birthday after all..."


In the late afternoon when you just got out of work, Iida emailed you the video of Aizawa. You giggled at the sight of him looking like a dazed schoolgirl when he caught sight of the huge bed.

"Aw, bet he's still sleeping like a baby." You said aloud, a smile on your face. "Guess my present will have to wait till tomorrow."

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